TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Solar Panels

I live in Maine, as you may know. There are many wonderful things about Maine, like the colorful leaves in the fall, the first glittery snowfall in the winter, the beautiful, fresh flowers in the spring, and the lovely, warm, salty beach in the summer. Maine has all these wonderful seasons, with some longer than others, and in this case, I mean winter. Winter is great, it was the season I was born, snowboarding season, Christmas time, warm hot chocolate, and so many more great things. While there are many great things about winter, there’s also the downfalls to it, as I’m sure you know it can be brutal. Getting to your destination 30 minutes late because you get stuck behind the slowest plow in the state, which is really great for the windshield, walking outside in the morning to start your frozen car, and filling your shoes with freezing snow and almost catching frostbite because you “didn’t know it was supposed to snow last night” this is Maine M—-, it snows every night. Lastly, my favorite, the chaotic snowstorms that knock the power out in the whole town. Living in the middle of nowhere during snowstorms can be very rough and tiring. You’re usually one of the last ones to get your power back, just have to be patient, very patient.

I have this really good friend, ADodge18, that lives just up the road from me. She has been a great friend to me since we were 5 years old. She’s given me more rides places than I can count, help, advice, sleepovers, and one of the best friends I could have, but even better than that, the power of solar panels. Her house has these lovely solar panels right outside that provide electricity to about half of her house including the shower, the important thing, how much luckier could I get? She lives less than a minute from me and basically has endless electricity. Anyway, during one snowstorm, when the power went out, I was in need of a shower, you know. Anna, offers me hers, and her electricity to charge my phone. I was living the life. I had a shower and a fully charged phone. I have never been so grateful for solar power in my life, than in that moment and I think everyone should invest. Anna has helped me over and over again throughout our short lives.

Basically, Maine is one of the worst places to live during the winter, maybe it’s alright to visit, but don’t stay long, and if you do visit, come in the summer. But seriously, Anna’s a great friend and without her, I would have been a very unpleasant person to be around during that time. She is such a good person and is like a sister to me. We planned out our lives together when we were 8, now if that isn’t friendship, I don’t know what is. It’s great to know that no matter the circumstance, whether my cars not starting and I need a ride, or the power lines freeze and I’m in desperate need of a shower, I can always count on her. Everyone needs an ADodge18.

Photo by I saw_that on / CC BY-NC-ND


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1 Comment

  • jahlberg18
    May 15, 2018 at 11:35 am 

    I really enjoy this story for your love of solar panels and ADodge18. I would have been the same way if I was in your position. I am glad you have that close friend right down the road because everyone needs someone like that to lean on in cases like these. I might now take your advice and if I ever need a shower or the electricity to charge up my phone battery, Ill need someone like her to be my go to. Great story, I really loved it.

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