TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Training Together

You know I feel like I’m currently in a montage right now. And it doesn’t seem that great. There are no fast results and awesome 80’s music. Instead its just being upset that you have to run and eating more food than you should. That’s kinda all my montage is. And I don’t mind this whole thing sucking as long as I get results in the end. But that’s what I get for never practicing running. Yet I do have a friend who is helping me out. Me and him are joining the Military together.

We know that its going to be hard in the military and we know that its going the be the most physically demanding thing we will ever do. Well… unless aliens attack. That changes everything. But still we know that if we are to have any success in the military then we need to train.

I got my friend a pull up bar and we made a workout to help us get better week by week. We made a plan that I would make him better at lifting weights and he would help me get better at running. Now I’m just gonna put it out there I’m fast but I cant run for long. If I run its only for about 5 min at the most. Then I walk and enter cardiac arrest. The usual.

And we both need to get better at swimming so we have also started taking swimming lessons. Now let me tell you that they suck. Not like their bad but they are so physically demanding.

Now their are 2 stories that come out of this in how we help each other. When it comes to me helping friends I get really proud for no reason. Like with him I show him how to use all the equipment he needs for lifting weights and I help him find the right weight to start out with for each. And as I help him and watch him get better it just makes me happy. To see him improve at such a fast rate and to go and do workouts on his own allowing me to be able to do my own thing and focus on my won stuff is great, And he has been getting better pretty fast. He is doing everything higher weight than when he started and he is doing everything for higher reps.

But I feel he helps me more than I help him. When we are running he shows me what I’m doing wrong. Like I breath to fast and my strides are to short. He is always reminding me when I have an inconsistent pace. He thinks that the best way to get better is to go the same speed for a long time. And I agree, but running is hard for me. I just don’t have the lungs or the endurance for it. Even with these problems my friend is always giving me small tips on how to get better. And he is doing everything he can to help me pace myself and extend the amount of rime I can run for. And once I get those down we can focus on speed. Cause in the end its not to figure out how many miles you can do. Its to find how fast you can do the.

Now to be honest at this gym the weights are often more open than the treadmills so me and my friend find ourselves lifting weights more than running but we are still trying to help each other best we can. And with the pull up bar I got him and myself that gives both of us a chance to work our muscles outside of the gym. And hopefully to encourage him to workout in his spare time. Which we flips back onto me. I’m really bad at pull ups so I’ve been trying to get really good at them. I need to be able to do 20 and I can only do about 3 – 4. And he’s always trying to make sure I got my pull ups in so I can improve fast enough and keep up with him, cause when it comes to pull ups he can bump out like 18 which is amazing compared to my 3 – 4. He is always checking in on me and telling me about the way he grips it and different techniques. And while he may be lighter and less dense which will make pull ups easier for him. His advice is still sound.

In the end we are helping out each other and we are growing together. And as we prepare for our futures in the military together we are taking every opportunity to train together. And in doing so we help build each other up and teach each other and learn from each other.

Photo by Usodesita on / CC BY


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