TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A little help can make a big difference.

I’ve been friends with this person since the beginning of high school. We talked a little bit during middle school but just a little so I wouldn’t say we were really friends. We are kinda weird or seem like it to a lot of people so we don’t really talk to people that often so I guess that’s why we really started talking in the first place. I have a problem being around a lot of people so taking the bus really bothers me so I rarely take it. And my friend gets pick up everyday so I normally just go with him or have my mom get me after school that way I don’t have to take the bus. It’s a way to avoid uncessary stress.

So it was I believe at the start of Junior year. I knew I had to take the bus in the afternoon because I didn’t have a ride anymore, I used to have a transportation company get me after school for awhile and also in the morning. The afternoon transportation ceased so I only had a ride in the afternoon and this really stressed me out because I knew I’d have to take the bus. It seems simple to most people but because of how I am it’s like too much for me to do go on the bus . Me and this friend hung out a decent amount over the summer and since I knew they normally got a ride home I asked if I would be able to get a ride with them back to my house. He said he didn’t see why not so I started riding home with him pretty much every day and it has helped me out a lot.

I helped my friend out by letting them over to my house when there parents have to go somewhere or at least off and on. It’s not that he can’t be home by himself but like me he has his own little things that bother him more than most would understand and his is being home alone and not being around anyone. So because he has been helping me out with rides home I decided the least I could do was let him over from time to time when his parents were gone. I thought of it kinda like a way to repay the favor that he does everyday for me which is giving me a ride home with his parents.

Even if it’s something small like not wanting to ride the bus or being home alone, it can make quite the differnce in someones day and in their life. It might not seem like some of these things are a big deal but to some they are and the help makes all the difference.

Photo by bsabarnowl on / CC BY



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  • edossantos18
    February 19, 2018 at 12:51 pm 

    That’s awesome! I had a friend like that when I was in middle school, so this is very understandable. The bus is always filled with dramatic people, so this post is so relatable.

  • tdesmarais18
    February 21, 2018 at 11:23 am 

    Not riding the bus is pretty nice. I used to have a ride to school last year, but then they graduated. I understand what it’s like to not want to ride the bus with a lot of people.

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