TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


Mistakes were made, when I asked my mom if I could go swimming one summer morning before I had to go cheering. It was about 98 degrees. This happened to my brother and he almost died… I never knew this would happened to me.

We were on our way to the bridge that we jump off of and go swimming, with the music up and the windows down. The one mistake that I made though, was jerking my wheel just a little to one side, the only thing I remember is feeling as if I were on a roller coaster, I felt a bad pain in my head. My mind went black, I don’t remember anything after that. I know that when I woke up from what I thought it was a dream, I couldn’t feel anything, I was hanging upside down.

Blood running down my arms, I knew I had made a mistake. All I could hear was “Its smoking, get out of the car!” I was scared and confused, as I climbed up the hill to the road, I hear sirens and I knew I could finally lay down, that’s all I wanted to do. I felt tired. I couldn’t feel that I was majorly hurt. Someone grabbed my head to keep it stable. When the ambulance got to the scene and got us onto the stretcher, I knew I could try to sleep. But they wouldn’t let me, they told me I could die if I tried to fall asleep. I felt a pinch on my arm, I couldn’t look down because I had, what it felt like a brick on my neck, I kept getting drowsier and drowsier, I just wanted to close my eyes.

We got to the hospital and there were so many people just standing over me and just telling me not to move and it’ll be okay. I didn’t know what to say other than I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to make this mistake.

Lawrence OP on / CC BY-NC-ND


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  • bharlow18
    March 16, 2018 at 8:30 am 

    I can relate to this because I asked my mom if I could drive to school when a snowstorm just happened last night, she said okay and told me to be careful. I made the same mistake with having the music up loud and going a little bit to fast were I caught ice on my tire and my care sent me flying right into another car, and I couldn’t remember anything I woke up thinking it was a bad dream and that this might of been sign to take the bus that early morning but it was real and hard to overcome.

  • mgreenleaf20
    May 23, 2020 at 12:26 pm 

    I can relate to this because when I first got my license I was driving by myself with the music up loud and not paying attention and got my mom car up on a rock. I was not hurt however I was still in shock and scared. If you were to give advice to any new drivers what would it be?

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