TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Boyfriend’s sister

Have you ever met someone, that was completely opposite from you but at the same time, had so many things in common? The first time that I met my current best friend, we never thought that we would get a long, she was from somewhere completely different than me. The first time we met, we didn’t even talk, she was so out going and funky, it was almost scary to talk to her, she had a rough life and I didn’t want to say the wrong things, and offend her, so I kind of just stayed quiet the whole time.

Being that she was my boyfriend’s sister, I would see her a lot when I went to his house, so no matter what I would have to see her and talk to her. She didn’t live with him at the time, that’s how she was so different than me. About a year into him and I’s relationship, she moved into her dads, which was with him, so basically I saw her a lot more, each time, when we did see each other, we would talk more each time about different things, about life and how we are, our pasts. As we kept talking, we just clicked and had a lot more in common than we thought.What we like, what we dislike, the things we say and do, the way we both act, I’ve never been able to say I have had a friend like that before until Mykayla. After a while of talking so much, we would start hanging out a lot, she came to be one of the biggest parts of my life. Out of the 12 years of being in school I have never had a best friend that I knew would never leave my side or betray me, throughout my years, a lot of friends had just never been there for me, we just weren’t, a like in some senses. I was an outcast, but as high school went, my friends moved on and I never did, which made me still the outcast.

I had a lot of friends throughout these 12 years, and not one of them has stayed loyal to me like she has. We do everything together now.I am there, no matter what. She is my go to and I know that I am hers, but it is very hard being best friends with your boyfriends sister, only because when they argue, I can’t pick sides, or when any of us argue, we can’t pick sides. Our lives have gone on like that for 3 years now, which is how long Mykayla and I have been friends for, we have so many memories together and have a lot to go.

Mykayla is two years younger than me, but mentally she is the same age as me, and has been through so much in her life, yet she never seems to let that bring her down, or me. I know that when I leave for college, she will be alone but I will always mentally be with her, no matter what. I know that I will still text her, surprise her and be there for her when she needs me, even if I am 5 hours away for college, I will always come for her.

Someone like this, should have always been there, I wish we would have met the first time that Dominic and I had met, she is a friend that someone like me would never want to lose.

Photo by PetitPlat – Stephanie Kilgast on / CC BY-NC-ND


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  • amcdonald18
    May 10, 2018 at 11:16 am 

    I could defiantly relate to you and your friends relationship. I use to have a boyfriend that I was so close to their siblings. I love how close you guys are, and I like how you described how you guys have so much in common but are still different in many ways.

  • mgreenleaf20
    January 9, 2020 at 2:08 pm 

    As being the best friend in this post, I love how you told our story! When you referenced being an outcast all high school and the part were we are so alike I too am an outcast and feel the same way about or likes and dislikes. I connect to this post very well to the fact of being in this blog first hand.

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