TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

to procrastinate or not to procrastinate

I have made many mistakes in my life most of them were small and did not impact me much. However I think my biggest mistake was procrastinating my sophomore year of high school. I have procrastinated my whole life and still struggle with this today. However my sophomore year was the worst. I procrastinated so much that I didn’t think I would be able to catch back up. To some this may seem small and a stupid thing to worry about. everyone procrastinates and they are able to pull it together in the end and every thing works out. My procrastinating however is more serious, because I chose to procrastinate I had to redo a lot of my classwork my junior year which put me behind. I really had to think about what I wanted and how I was going to accomplish it. This mistake is what made me realize I needed help and got a tutor. Even with help from a tutor and knowing that I cannot let myself get that far behind again I am still struggling and now as a senior I am still fighting to catch up. Procrastinating is a big mistake I made and is a huge issue I have. I tend to procrastinate a lot more in the classes that I really don’t understand. English is a very hard subject for me I do not do well at ready and comprehending what I read therefore I put of doing the work. My tutor has helped with this a lot. She asks me everyday what I have for homework and we go over it together. when I have to read a book she reads it out loud to me and then we review what has been read after every chapter to make sure that I am understanding what is read. These are some of the techniques I use to help keep me from procrastinating.  I realize now that it could really hinder my chances of getting into college. As a sophomore I didn’t really care that I was getting behind because I had no intention of going to college at all. Now that I know I want to go to college I am truly regretting letting my mistake of procrastinating affect my future. I wish I had not made this mistake and am working my hardest to never make it again although it is very difficult I know how harmful it is to my future plans. Now that I am older and I have seen some of my friends go off to college and how hard they are working I know that I cannot let my procrastination get the best of me. I do not want my mistake of procrastination be the death of me.


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1 Comment

  • jgauthier18
    May 24, 2018 at 8:53 am 

    I can relate to this very much. I can’t relate to the English aspect, but I failed Algebra 1 for five semesters in a row because I didn’t feel like doing the work. I had zero math credits at the start of my junior year. It really was all just about procrastination, because I caught up on an entire year of Algebra 1 in a semester, and then I got my other two math credits during this year. Things would have been much easier for me if I’d just done it when I was supposed to, but it all worked out in the end I suppose. Procrastination is a huge problem, if you let it go out of hand.

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