TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Laughter Really is the Best Medicine

I’ve never been the type to take difficult situations lightly and laughing about them isn’t something I tend to do.There was one time however that I couldn’t help but laugh, things had completely gone wrong and there wasn’t anything I could do. I can’t say laughing about it really solved my problem, however in the moment it did per say ease the pain.
It all started not so long ago, it was over Christmas break in fact. It was a few days after Christmas and I had got up early to go to work. In case it’s unknown I worked at a store in Freeport called Tommy Hilfiger. It had been a good morning so far, the Holidays had just finished and passed, everything was fine. Then while sitting in the office doing paperwork with one of my managers she turned to me and apologized randomly. I was completely confused as to why she was apologizing, she hadn’t done anything wrong. As she continued on I realized it was quite serious what she was explaining, the store we worked in was closing and I would no longer have a job. I was extremely confused, I had only worked there for 3 months so far and no it was closing.
All day long I questioned it and wondered what I would do next. What was there to do? Not many stores hire people after the holidays because they let go all their holiday workers. I knew this was going to be a big issue. To make things even worse I only had a job until January 28th, which was about a month away. After my shift I went home and informed my parents on what had happened, and they asked the question I had no answer to, “What are you going to do now.” To tell the truth I had thought over what I should do next, but I just didn’t know what to do because I knew this was going to be hard.
After about a week of knowing this knowledge and not doing anything about it I decided it was time to start figuring out the next move. My manager told me she already had another store lined up for her to go to, and that I should apply and follow her over there. Instant relief came over me, I had a plan and things were going to work out. Although, I figured I would be smart and still apply for other jobs just in case this one happened to fall through. Another store in Freeport that was hiring called and told them they would take employees. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to get a job one way or another. I was relaxed and confident that all would end well.
Now there was only a week until the store closed and my manager informed me that she was not hiring employees from our store at the store she had started at, because she decided she was not going to continue to work there. Still not breaking a sweat, because I had been smart and planned for this I depended on the other store that I applied to. Finally, I heard back from them and they were going through a shift in management and decided to hold off on hiring, but said they could set up an interview in a month. Which to any other high school student that might sound great, but unlike most I pay for my own insurance, phone bill, and more. So waiting was not an option at this point. This was the point when I couldn’t help but laugh, I really needed a job and both I tried for didn’t work out for me. There was hardly any time left before I had no job. So laughing at my problems and laughing every time I was asked, “what next?” I continued on applying for more jobs.
Today was the last day I would be working at my now “old” job. Just as I was waking up to get ready to go to work, I got an email requesting to set up a job interview. Suddenly things were turning around, not overreacting and just waiting for things to turn around had surprisingly worked out for me. I now have a job and everything seems to be going alright. I’m really glad that I just laughed about it and didn’t stress about it, because of all the other school related stress I had. Long story short just don’t stress it, and things will fall into place.
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