TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Mashed Potatoes and Gravy

I liked what I did for Capstone but overall the whole thing was annoying to me even though I liked what I chose to do which was job shadowing at a Veterinary Clinic. I had a teacher talk about my Capstone work as different food items, like Turkery, Gravy and as dumb as that sounds it helped me laugh, focus and get the rest of my work done.
 I finished my main part of Capstone which was my job shadow at the hospital while doing some interviews of the people there. It was actually really fun, when I got there I was pretty nervous because I get like that around a lot of people or people I don’t know. But when I first talked to someone at the front desk they were very nice and asked me to wait while they went to get one of the doctors. When they came back I followed them into the back of the hospital and they showed me around the place like where they do test, hold the animals after they have surgery, where they do the surgeries and all of that other stuff. I then talked to them while they were waiting for an appointment and when one came I just followed them in a listened to the appointment, everyone I met was actually really nice and they treated me like I was part of the family so to speak, I was nervous about it at first but the job shadow itself was actually really fun. Then I realized there was still quite a lot left to do such as the portfolio and I even needed to do a scrapbook with things such as pictures from the hospital and some brochures I was given there. I pretty much was with the same doctor pretty much the whole 10 hours I job shadowed, I was with a groomer and a few other people off and on but I was mostly with the same doctor and she gave me some brochures to use in my scrapbook which was very helpful. Even though I enjoyed what I was doing this whole thing was just very annoying to me because there was so much to do overall that if felt like it wasn’t going to take forever. So when I was almost just feeling like I couldn’t do it because there was so much to do I had a teacher think of something totally ridiculous but it actually made getting the rest of my Capstone done easier. She said I already had the Turkey done which was my job shadow and the interviews now I needed the Mash Potatoes and Gravy which was the paper, portfolio etc. It sounds stupid but for some reason it was funny and it was brought up every now and then when I was complaining about one of those things and it made me laugh, which made it easier to deal with for whatever reason. It is dumb but like I said for some reason it made it easier. It was like each part of my Capstone was a different food item and I’d have to add it or add more every time I was missing something from it. The only part of my Capstone that really didn’t have that much to do with this ridiculous “food” thing was the actual job shadow itself, I mentioned the actual shadow itself before but in general it had the least to do with this whole idea. It was still one of the harder parts of my project just because it involved me calling a place I haven’t been to before and setting something up but I did it. Most of the I guess you could call food comparisons came a little after.
I don’t know why saying I had the Turkey done and comparing the other parts of Capstone to other foods made me laugh and get it done easier but it did. It seems that the laughter it gave me actually helped me get it done easier and just overall made the process easier. So I guess laughter can help with a lot of different things even school work, so even little dumb jokes can make annoying things in life easier it seems.


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