TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Glue Sticks & Sweat Pants

Laughter is an essential part of any friendship. I feel like people are not really your friends if you have never laughed with them. My friends are some of the funniest people and I have some of my greatest memories with them. From birthday parties to just hanging out there have been many times when my friends and I have laughed. One way that we get each other to laugh is by telling stories. Of course, at the time they probably weren’t funny but looking back at them now it is pretty funny. Here are a few of the stories I would tell to make my friends laugh.
So in the third grade, my best friend and I were not big fans of this one girl. I am not sure why we did not like her she seemed very nice and tried to be friends with us but for some reason, we just didn’t like her. So one day we decided we were going to try to glue her to a chair. I know that sounds mean but we were only 8 we didn’t really know any better. We clearly did not know any better because we used a glue stick. Obviously, you cannot glue someone to a chair with a glue stick, it doesn’t work. My friend and I were putting the glue on the chair and my teacher caught us. Of course, she got mad so I had to sit in the chair, that had glue on it. My friend who was helping me did not have to so she really did not get any punishment but whatever.
Apparently, I really liked glue when I was younger because that was not the only time I tried to put glue on someone. In kindergarten, my best friend was Katie, we always sat next to each other in class and hung out all the time. One day, the teacher was reading a book or teaching something, doing the usual stuff a kindergarten teacher does. All of a sudden I grabbed a glue stick, opened it and started rubbing it on Katie’s arm. Again, I don’t know why I did that but I did. The teacher got mad again and she gave me a yellow card. A yellow card meant she had to give me a warning about my behavior or something.
One other story that has nothing to do with glue and happened when I was a little bit older that gets people to laugh or maybe even question what happened is the time I dislocated my hip. This happened in freshman year. I was at home, I am pretty sure this was a weekend because I was home and it happened in September which means I was in school at this point. So there I was getting ready for the day, doing my own thing. I went to put my pants on specifically sweatpants, and then I dislocated my hip. I dislocated my hip putting on sweatpants. I don’t know how that could happen I could maybe see that happening if I was maybe 70 years older but no it happened when I was 14. I don’t think it went out too far because I went right back in. It hurt a lot but a little while later it healed and I was fine. I know this happened in September because a week before or a week after I hyperextended my elbow around the time of the Litchfield Fair. I know I am always injuring my self.
Anytime I tell any of those stories to my friends or other people they always seem to laugh. This blog was to write about a time of laughter. Although I was not laughing in these stories they bring back great memories and I am able to make others laugh with them. I enjoy telling them to people if it makes them smile even though it may be embarrassing for me. 


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  • dmiller18
    May 7, 2018 at 7:51 pm 

    I found this a very interesting story, Sarah. I remember this happening as a kid. I wonder if the other girl remembers? I really enjoyed how well you described the situation! Good job!

  • bduchesneau18
    May 10, 2018 at 10:10 am 

    I remember all of these things happening! I think it was good to tell these stories to show really the bond of friendship and how good it is to enjoy those times of laughter together.

  • rhoward18
    May 14, 2018 at 9:55 am 

    These are great detailed stories to read. I remember you told the story of your hip and elbow at lunch. It gave me a good laugh and still does.

  • bdesrosiers18
    May 14, 2018 at 12:17 pm 

    I love when you tell these stories, they are probably some of my favorite stories you like to tell. You are always doing something funny to make friends laugh and whenever we hang out I go home with a sore stomach from laughing so much.

  • mmaloy18
    May 29, 2018 at 9:33 pm 

    this is written really well. I remember you telling all of these, they are the best especially the one when you tried to glue the girl to the chair. You did a lot of crazy stuff when you were a kid like that time we were in the hot tube in 3rd grade.

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