TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Stupid Question Or Just A Stupid Person?

Teachers always say, “ask any questions you have none of them are stupid” and that my friends… is a straight up lie and even they know it. I think we are told that so teachers can make sure other students do not laugh at our stupid questions but in reality, we all say pretty stupid stuff. In a day I probably think of a hundred and ten questions and at least twenty five percent is stupidity at its finest. I would like to say that I am a pretty smart person (most of the time) but sometimes common sense is not my strong suit. Every day I get super embarrassed when thinking of things I want to ask in fear that my peers will laugh at me because they all knew the common sense question but I did not. There are many times I will never forget when I asked a stupid question but this one time… I will never EVER forget.

As everyone knows my boyfriend is Cruz Poirier aka Mr.Literal. Cruz is pretty right about most things and usually, you have to let him win an argument even if your right because he won’t let it end. So when I say something really stupid around him he gets pretty excited to bash on me for the lack of sense I have.

One day Cruz and I were driving to my camp in Eustis. It was pretty late and it was pitch black and no one else was around us. Not even in any other cars, it was like we were on a whole other planet than everyone else. The reason this is important is that when there’s nothing around us to talk about we get into some deep conversations. By that I mean super deep like take the deepest conversation you have ever had and times it by 10 and that’s a normal Cruz and I talk. We went on and on for about an hour. We were laughing and having a good time picking on each other and then it all went downhill for me… we then saw a sign that happened to say Mexico.

We then start talking about how Arkansas and Kansas and how they are pronounced weird. We then talked about how bad people were at naming new places they came too. For example, a weird name would be where we live New England, because people from England called this their new land. Anyway, Cruz brings up New Mexico and talks about it for a second. I then decided to say “it’s pretty stupid for Mexico to have New Mexico in Mexico.” Cruz then just about crashes the car in shock. Cruz goes silent to the point you could hear a pin drop. He then proceeds to ask me…

“Deja do you know that New Mexico is a state in the United States?”

I stare at Cruz… I fall into a pit of confusion and thought and think to myself

“How many states are there”

“Did I learn this in school”

“I know the answer to this what is wrong with me”

“How am I about to graduate in a few months”

“Even though I am tired I feel I should know this”

I then remember that I am an idiot and that I did indeed know that New Mexico was a state but there was no going back from this mistake I just threw myself into. Cruz then proceeds to laugh at me and make fun of me for it even though I did know it I was just super tired because of the drive we had been on. My face got bright red like a fire truck and so did my temper when Cruz was making fun of me for it. After a while of him making fun of me, I was finally able to laugh along and eventually he asked a stupid question and I was able to make fun of him and get my revenge.

And before you quit out of the utmost trouble I know what all of you readers are thinking, “wow is Deja dumb or something?” The answer is sometimes, but everyone has been so tired in life that they forget the most simple and basic things they knew. So do not try to make fun of me for this because this was pretty embarrassing and probably an all-time stupid for me.

Photo onĀ


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  • kconley18
    May 6, 2018 at 9:35 pm 

    I thought your post was absolutely hilarious! My favorite part is the last paragraph, it really is so true. Overall, I think that your piece was amazing.

  • msheehy18
    May 8, 2018 at 3:14 pm 

    I can’t even count the times I have asked a stupid question similar to the one you wrote about in this post. I typically tend to ask a stupid question so often and knowing that other people also ask stupid questions can be reassuring. I think it is pretty cool that you owned up to your stupid questions because I typically don’t due to the fact that I get really embarrassed.

  • mcgervais18
    May 9, 2018 at 10:09 am 

    I think this post is quite funny actually because I have had a similar thing happen to me. In Mrs. DeSanctis’ class, were doing a work sheet with country names on it and the letters were all jumbled up and we had to figure out what it was, and I did almost the same thing that you did. The word ended up being Italy, and I said out loud, in front of the whole class, “That answer can’t be right! There’s no I in Italy!” Everyone laughed and I felt pretty dumb, but I did eventually laugh about it.

  • edossantos18
    May 10, 2018 at 10:00 am 

    I agree that there are stupid questions, but I believe everyone asks them a lot. It also depends on who considers the question stupid or not. Even so, I still don’t know the names of all 50 states, so it’s okay to miss only one.

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