TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

6 AM They Say

I am going to introduce something that is a problem around the world, it’s not just something that is a state’s problem. Along with it not being just the United States problem or just a country’s problem, this is all around the world problem. High schools and Middle schools need to start later in the day so their students can get the amount of sleep that they need. The schools need to start at the same time that the elementary schools do, around 8:30 in the morning like some schools do, due to the fact of them having late start on Wednesday’s. Teens like me only get around 6 or 7 hours of sleep, we all are cranky sometimes and a lot of us can not function without having coffee in the morning to wake us up and think properly. When students get up for school most students have to up around 5:30 a.m. so they don’t miss the bus, while others don’t have to get up until around 6:00 a.m.

What needs to be done is that schools need to be started later so students can get the right amount of hours that they need to sleep. Students need to start at around 8:30 in the morning for this to work. When waking up this early scientists showed that students normally have an eating disorder because of not getting the amount of sleep that they need during school nights, there for leads to the obesity rate in teens which is higher than it should be. Scientists proved that if schools started that early then students would get more sleep and be able to do work better because they would be able to focus. There are millions of students that are late because of staying up late doing homework but they need to be up early in the morning.

High schools and Middle schools should start at the same time that their districts elementary school does. They normally start at around 8:30, which always the kids to get more sleep than the high school students and middle school students . Go from there, and start figuring out when after school activities will be and how hard will it be to get it to be easy for kids to be there for practice or a game. This should be greeted by the government or whoever it needs to be brought to, to make Then Students would not have eating problems, gain weight or over eat because of being so tired. When shown the difference between a school that starts later in the day compared to a school that starts early in the morning, they will notice a big difference. When something is done then there will be no more problems and everything is the way it’s suppose to be. Most school districts have accepted the fact that they are doing this to their students, and decided to take a vote and change what time their middle school and high school starts. They have noticed a difference in the percentage of people that graduate on time, how many people are there compared to the absences that was there when they have not changed anything, how many more kids were able to pass something and get it on the first try. How much better each kid did in their classes and finally said that they were happy because of the change that they made. Their environments individual will change because they will finally get what they are learning, in their own little way whether some or most kids are the same way. This causes the ability of students to get the chance in classes that they deserve to have. The ability to understand it and pass the first time around. Along with the students not having to worry about the possibility of getting heart disease, or be at a higher risk of getting diabetes compared to if they got the amount of hours that they need. The students themselves will improve with just this one change in their school. When something like this is done then there would be no more students falling asleep in class, or not going to bed until 2:00 a.m. trying to do homework and having to be up by 5:30-6: a.m.

Photo by Public Record Office of Northern Ireland on / No known copyright restrictions


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  • tgolightly18
    May 16, 2018 at 10:43 am 

    It is very frustrating how there is actual scientific evidence to support the fact that schools start too early and when most adults hear this they just say something along the lines of ” oh kids just need to not stay up so late and go to bed earlier” it is quite annoying

  • daiken18
    May 22, 2018 at 9:45 am 

    I agree it’s crazy that they think kids are going to do okay getting up so early. Kids would be so much better off if school started later, I really believe that. I don’t see that happening though sadly.

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