TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

In Me There’s A Friend

My best friend turned into a little something more, his name is Drake, he and I became friends back in sixth grade around the time that he had moved here. Drake and I had a mutual friend, the mutual friend introduced us and from that moment on we protected each other doing whatever we could for each other. While we’ve helped each other through many problems, one particular problem had to do with giving me advice about an issue that I was having. Drake had a best friend that was friends with me and we had hit a speed bump in the road about a topic that we kept arguing about.
Three things that we did for each other were to overcome a problem that we were dealing with on our own was, one if we needed someone to talk to than we knew that we could talk to each other about it, second is we always made each other laugh constantly, and third, we always made each other’s day, even if it was just having a conversation together. Sometime for us, that’s all that mattered at the end of the day because we could talk for hours, we would go from talking all day at school to talking to each other over xbox.
When it came to us needing to talk to someone it didn’t matter what he was doing or what I was doing. When I was having a bad day Drake would always make time to talk to me so I can get things off my chest, he would tell me that everything would be okay and start talking to me about happy things like different animes and which ones we liked. I would always talk to him and see how he was doing, if he was down I would try to ask him what was the problem and if there was anything wrong and make him happy about everything else to keep his mind of negative things. When we were talking happy thoughts normally we were talking about anime and there was always one anime for each day always had found each conversation happy and made me feel a little more comfortable.
Which leads us to laughing constantly, when we were having a conversations he would relate something that we were talking about to something else and always would make it funny. There was one day that we were talking about an anime because we were having problems and that entire week was not good for me from that point, and we were talking about this one anime called Ouran High School Host Club and he had related it into how much people would do it at the beginning of times like when gods would marry into their own family and the same thing with goddesses. Mythology to me is funny and he had found that out by telling me that, and how I would make him laugh is because I would always tell scenarios about someone dying due to their own hands in a game and that’s what we would talk about for the rest of the time we had.
At some points in the day just seeing each other would make us happy because we would make funny faces at each other, which led us to bust out laughing in the halls with everyone starring at us. We didn’t care because we were closer than everyone else was with their best friends, our conversations with each other were always positive, we never had a fight and we were able to get along all the time. We would always be able to make each other’s day with just a conversation, I remember that I was looking a little down because I was stressed out with home problems. Drake came up to me and started to talk to me, talking about anything that came to his head starting with something that made me laugh to going into conspiracies, and different scientific things that he was interested in and sharing them with me. I remember when Drake was upset one day, and I started telling him my cheesy jokes and just being my normal self around him and he started to laugh and it made him feel better for the rest of the school day.
That is the main thing that makes me laugh/happy about Drake is the different weird things that he reads and ends up knowing more than anyone else. Making theories about different things and getting other people’s perspective about the situation, how he does things compared to others and what he talks to me about. Drake is the most weird, but like not other type of person, all his different attitudes combine together make the best equation for a good time.

Photo by Thomas Hawk on / CC BY-NC


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1 Comment

  • asthilaire19
    January 17, 2019 at 11:04 pm 

    Seems like Drake was a great friend to you. a bond like that is an awesome thing to have. it makes you unstoppable. it allows the world to flow around you and ignore everything you both do. once people learn you will be you no matter what they do they wouldn’t break that special bond. they would allow you to do your own thing. the bond stays strong even through thick and thin and it holds on as long as it can.

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