TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Paralyzed but always laughing

My life changed on January 3rd, 2016 at 3:16am. Even when I am having the worst day of my life, experiencing the worst thing ever, I still have someone there that can make me “giggle” or even half a laugh. It is important, even with something like this happening in your life. All it takes is a knock on the door to make your world turn upside down, then to turn it back is to make a little bit of laughter in it.

That knock changed who I am, who my mom is, and perspective on life. My brother was in a horrific car accident, with two other people, they made one mistake in their life that would change them and who they are forever. Not just them though, me as well. He had broken his neck, punctured his lung, and was told he could never walk again. This story seems so sad, if you are reading this, you are wondering how laughing comes into this. I will skip a few days ahead. This is when he found out that he could feel his legs again, after his surgery. Finally after a while he let me come see him in the ICU, the first thing he said to me “Don’t I look good” laughing, something I didn’t expect. I thought to myself, is someone like him can go through this life with barely feeling his legs, and still make silly jokes trying to make people laugh, changed all of our perspectives, we all need to laugh a little bit more.

If a doctor told you, you are never going to walk again. But the only thing that you can think of, make the rest of your life worth everything by laughing, because it can all change in a jerk of a corner. He smiled through the pain, he laughed through the surgeries, he joked though the sadness. No matter what, always laugh because one day, you might never be able to laugh again.

So many people look down and think, “I’m so sad, I can’t laugh”. I think to myself, if he can laugh through everything and everyday of the 4 months in rehab and ICU, anyone can. Life needs to be more about laughing, he told me to smile no matter what and always laugh, because life is short, and laughing can make you a happy person in life. I have believed him ever since, I have laughed everyday since that night. I always make sure, I laugh. Laughing is a cure to sadness, and hurt. Try it, I think it will change your life. At least once a day, laugh.

Photo by akahawkeyefan on / CC BY-NC-SA


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  • klaberge18
    May 25, 2018 at 8:11 am 

    Laughing is always an important part of life, even the worst days can be brightened up with a little laughter. I’m glad your brother is doing better as well!

  • cwood18
    May 28, 2018 at 9:42 pm 

    I can relate to this because my mother may potentially be losing her leg. I know it isn’t the same thing but I know the feeling of something so negative impacting our lives. We all need to look at the positive things in our lives and not take things for granted. Glad to hear he handled this difficult situation so well.

  • mgreenleaf20
    May 25, 2020 at 5:46 pm 

    I am amazed at this outlook your brother had, laughter always is the cure! When we laugh at the rough things in life it seems to make that thing less rough on us, I’m glad to hear he is doing better!

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