TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Question Everything

It was the summer of 2015 and we just got out of football practice. Austin, Darryn, and I get into the showers and get into his moms car to head down to Old Orchard Beach. I was tired and cranky and really didn’t feel like driving forty five minuets crammed in the back of the car. We get about half way there and I still regret going, but I have no other choice so I just suck it up. The only reason we are going down to Old Orchard Beach was because of Darryn so he could hang out with his girlfriend. He asked me to tag along and I wasn’t going to say no because he is one of my best friends.

We finally get to Old Orchard Beach and I am so excited to get out of the crammed car. We get to the hotel for check in, get our room and as we are unloading our bags Darryn’s girlfriend and this girl named Julia walk in. She’s cute, great smile and a great personality, this was going to make the trip a lot more enjoyable for me. We all start to walk around and get to know each other a little more. As the weekend proceeds I realize that Julia is probably the coolest girl I’ve ever met. I wanted to ask her out but I was extempore scared because I barely knew her or if she even liked me, so I held off. As the weekend proceeds I think she is starting to like me more, we walk around together, talk more, and get along better. That Saturday night we wall take a walk on the beach, Darryn, Alexis, Austin, Julia, Gavin and me. As we are walking on the beach we stop to rest at this guard tower, I go up first and then Julia follows. As I’m sitting up there with her I realize that it’s the perfect setting to ask her out, clear skies and a great view of the starts, warm weather, and it was just us. But I don’t know if she actually likes me and it was kind of early. But I really like her, and it was the perfect time.

As Sunday comes along I wake up and realize what I didn’t do, I choked, I didn’t do it. I was too scared to ask her out. I knew that I would regret this for a long time. I knew that I wouldn’t get another chance to ask her out, so I gave her my phone number so we could still keep in touch but I knew it wouldn’t have been as romantic. So we head off in out own cars and head home, as I get home I decide to message her on Twitter to see if we will have something together. We start to talk again, and realize we still like each other. A couple of days pass and I finally ask her to go out with me.

This was the only time in my life where I wish I could’ve asked a question and I didn’t. I knew I screwed up after that weekend, I was so nervous to ask he out because I wasn’t sure of the outcome. This was one of the first times that I had been scared to ask a question like this, normally I can do stuff like this. If I had asked this question when I wanted to I don’t know if things would’ve been different, maybe she would’ve said no and I wouldn’t have a girlfriend today. I think that this was a learning experience because now I’m not scared to ask questions when I really need to.

In the world today I don’t think you can afford to be afraid to ask questions, people lose a lot of opportunities by being tentative and afraid. I think that getting yourself out there and asking questions are one of the ways that you can make it in this world, to not be afraid and be bold. I don’t know If my story compares to some that can really have an impact on someone’s life, but it is the same idea.

Photo by @rild on / CC BY-NC-ND


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  • cpoirier18
    May 20, 2018 at 4:22 pm 

    This is really relatable Bailey. When I was in eighth grade I wanted to ask Deja out three times before I did and I wanted to do it in person but I was way too scared. It is weird how we struggle to ask questions when we are nervous for an answer.

  • daiken18
    May 22, 2018 at 9:37 am 

    I can relate to this because I always have trouble asking any kind of question. It is better to just ask like you said that way you don’t miss out on anything. You never know what could have been or what could have happened if you didn’t ask so it’s a lesson to everyone to just ask no matter what the question is.

  • apierce18
    May 23, 2018 at 12:04 am 

    This was a great, detailed personal story! Although I feel bad for you and those crappy friends forcing you on a beach vacation, And I could have used a Julia, because me and Gavin didn’t get so fond of each other like you and her. You should have asked her out on the lifeguard stand though that sunset was nice.

  • dpushard18
    May 23, 2018 at 10:44 am 

    Very personal story. I like how you are not afraid to hide things from people. I like how you gave great details. Now you can look back at the moment and see how much you have changed. Now we can all look at you two and see how amazing you two are together. You deff should have asked her at the life guard stand.

  • gdumais18
    May 24, 2018 at 11:26 am 

    Great story Bailey, I remember that night like the back of my hand. I feel like I can really relate to this story because I usually get nervous while asking a risky question and sometimes I just don’t ask it cause I’m scared of the answer.

  • dbailey18
    May 25, 2018 at 2:24 pm 

    @bdrouin18 I wish I could say I can relate I didn’t even ask my girlfriend out in person. I wish I had done what you did. Very inspiring.

  • bmichaud18
    May 27, 2018 at 6:37 pm 

    Great story Bailey! It’s nice how you were able to share a personal story to prove your point about just asking the question before its too late. I can relate because sometimes I don’t ask questions due to not wanted to know the answer.

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