TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Stupid Questions

I have heard a lot of stupid questions in life, no doubt, many from my own mouth actually. I have heard questions ranging from “was Germany apart of the Axis ?” too “Did you stop talking to me because I called you daddy?”. I want to clearly emphasize that neither of these were said by me and that I in no way am affiliated with these questions other than being within earshot of them. However the one that takes the cake is “What’s in the chocolate and peanut butter ice cream? And don’t just say chocolate and peanut butter.”

This is from a story my friend was telling me at a dinner for the Marines, a dinner that was held all the way in STANFORD, out of all places?! Anyways I was sitting at a table with friends and my friends are telling stories about the ice cream place they work at. When this question came out we all laughed and had a good time but then my other friends mom says “OK but what is in the chocolate peanut butter?” Then we all lost our sides because she was completely serious. Through a depressing huddle of laughter our sides returned from orbit and we settled down she was told “JUST CHOCOLATE AND PEANUT BUTTER.”

In this moment of sitting at a table and laughing in unison with others was a nice time. It was wholesome and was probably the best part of the night. There was a humbleness to it that left a warm feeling but not a warm feeling like a I peed my pants or that time a friend in math class put a small hole in his water bottle and squirt my thigh with it which resembled the feeling of peeing my pants. No this was a nice feeling in my stomach like I was full of content. It was such a wholesome moment no one said anything such as “are you stupid?” or along those lines. We all had a nice laugh and it was over.

On my way home I thought about this as well and why the h*ck this event had to be all the way in Sanford and not anywhere closer. If it wasn’t for this story or question I probably would have been thinking about how much time was wasted.


Photo by whizchickenonabun on / CC BY-NC-ND


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  • dmarcotte18
    May 22, 2018 at 2:29 pm 

    i like this story because i have heard a lot of stupid questions before too. My very little brother asked me one time if you put the car in park to park it. I called him dumb and laughed.

  • mhilchey18
    May 25, 2018 at 8:04 am 

    I’m really happy that you could get past the fact that this event was held in such a far out location by reminiscing on the fun time you had previously had with some friends. I also like how this question gave you a warm feeling, but not like you peed your pants as you clearly stated. Sounds like it was a great time.

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