TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

C U l8r raiders

Hello Oak Hill High School Class of 2018, we made it!

All of you standing in front of me today have taken the necessary steps and assignments to graduate.  I’m going to start of with a little riddle; What is priceless but you can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it but you can spend it, and once you lost it, you can never get it back? Anyone? The answer is time. I generally believe that most of us didn’t use our time wisely. I also think I’m speaking for most when I say precisely when it came to doing work for English, FLIP  and Geometry, regardless of whether you are top ten or 100th in our class. With that said, I believe that English alone single handedly wrecked our GPA. Also how Mr. Wright was the huge guy that scared the piss out of us when he got mad and threw his markers. Finally geometry, damn geometry!  Like what the heck is the x subscript 2 – x subscript 1 and so on and so forth? Most of us cheated our way through geometry anyway but won’t admit it. We either googled answers, asked friends for pictures of the test and more examples that should be left unsaid, but that’s beside the point because we are headed to the podium to receive our “much deserved” Oak Hill High School Diploma. I say that sarcastically, but you do what you need to do to get through high school and that shows dedication.

“Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend” – Theophorus. Expanding on that quote, how many people SPENT time playing Fortnite, PUB G or any video game of some sort? What about going to a friends house to watch White Chicks while singing to “a thousand miles” for the 9th time? Or you make the trip up to Orono to do only god knows what? You should keep it between you and God until you graduate college. At least one of these things applies to you and if not, well then, looks like you spent your time pretty wisly.

An example on how I didn’t use my time wisely is when i would sit around the house and take naps, play fortnite, and watch movies. I was playing fornite for roughly 3-4 hours at a time just to get my John Wick skin that I forgot what was more important. Was it the John Wick skin on my high school diploma. I binged watch The Office for hours at a time and after that would take a nap. All that time added up I think I would have been done high school a month before I needed to be. If I could go back and get that time back to use it toward something beneficial, would in a heartbeat.

Time isn’t something to let go, use it wisely. When going to do something but you know you have an assignment whether its in college, workforce, or the military, think twice. Is this a good use of my time, is it something I want to SPEND my time on? “Time is the most valuable thing on earth: Time to think, time to act, time to extend our fraternal relations, time to become better men, time to become better woman, time to become better and more independent citizens” – Samuel Gompers.

Photo by kevin dooley on / CC BY



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  • kyoung18
    May 25, 2018 at 10:07 am 

    I completely agree with what you said. As both high school and college students, people should make sure that what they are doing is worth their time. But even though we say these things, my questions is, are we actually going to change and become the completely responsible people we say we should be? Because in my case, I’m pretty sure the answer is no. We know we should make better use of our time, but in reality, it isn’t going to be the work that we do that we remember, it will be the memories we made and the crazy late nights we had.

  • adodge18
    May 25, 2018 at 10:38 am 

    @kyoung18, I agree with that. The most memorable times that I’ve had during high school have been hanging out with friends and laughing uncontrollably. Sure, high school has taught me a lot but it also wasted so much of my time. Some of the classes I was forced to take, I will never need or use again in my life.

  • mbeaule18
    May 25, 2018 at 2:16 pm 

    I agree time is so precious that no many people realize that time goes by in a blink of an eye one second your doing homework next your all grown up and going to work and we should take the time to enjoy life but make sure they don’t waste it.

  • dgreenleaf18
    May 28, 2018 at 11:58 am 

    I can relate to this, I am in the same vote as you. If i wouldn’t have binge watch a lot of netflix I would have been done a month earlier, but high school was about learning those little lessons about life that you need to learn before you go into the real world. I am thankful I learned these skills in high school.

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