TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Commencement Speech

Throughout High School I have learned many things. The first being that High School is nothing like it is in tv shows or movies. We don’t get to sing and dance down the hallways. Well, we could, but we would probably be looked at like we are crazy. And we don’t get to skip class and roam the halls whenever we want without getting punished. Is it just me or does it seem like they never have class or homework in these tv shows and movies? I was bummed that High School was nothing like High School Musical or Glee but I did learn a few valuable things in my four years here.

Firstly, no matter what anyone or any teacher says, senioritis is very real. I haven’t met one senior yet who has not felt like they wanted to give up and quit, or not want to do their work even though they know it needs to get done. We know that we have a deadline, and know that we will not have next year to finish but still, we procrastinate.

Second, I learned that grades are way more important than they used to be in elementary and middle school. Sure, we may have slacked off in Freshman and Sophomore year but when Junior year comes around it really hits us. Starting to think about college and graduating makes us realize that if we do not get good grades we might not graduate or get into the college we want to go to. Take my advice and try hard all four years, it will make life a lot easier.

Third, it is not true when people say that the friends we have in middle school will no longer be our friends in High School. I have had the same group of friends since the fifth grade and nothing has changed. We all still have the same personalities as we used to and we had no problem transitioning to High School. We are all happy that we are still friends. Most of us plan on staying friends way past the end of High School.

Fourth, listen to the teachers, staff, and parents. Even though it may not seem like it all the time, they usually know what they are talking about and have been through the exact same thing as us. If they have advice they want to share, I suggest you take it because they probably know more about graduating and becoming an adult and moving on from High School than you do. After all, they did go through it and they will probably tell you about the mistakes they made and what you should do to be successful.

I hope everyone listens to the things I have learned and uses them in their future. Whether it be in college or something else, anyone can use what I have said to help them succeed. Yes, I was disappointed when I realized High School wasn’t like I thought it was going to be, but I have had some of the best times and made some of the best memories throughout my four years. Good luck and enjoy your future, whatever your future may be.


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