TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Find Your Deodorant

The past four years of high school have probably been the craziest four years of most of our lives. For me, it definitely was. We made new friends, we lost friends. We did our homework, and we procrastinated, a LOT. No matter what happened in high school, everyone here in front of me today has made a million memories over the past four years. Some we will never forget and some that will disappear throughout the years. Whatever those memories are, they may seem unimportant to you now, but I believe later on in life you will see how they have changed your life. For me that memory is, how much I sweat.

As you all may know by now, I’m Maegan Sheehy, and I sweat more than the average human being. As a little freshmen I made sure to wear the proper outfit to school on the first day. The shame caused by sweat stains would have crippled my confidence as the hallway walls laughed at me with every step. I knew it would be hot that day, so my exceptional sweating would have been 100% worse. I decided to wear a cute pair of shorts with a nice little summer tank top to match. All because I did not want to sweat. Well, I did. No matter how much I didn’t want to sweat, my body did not care. Somehow I managed to sweat down the sides of my tank top. You all might be thinking now “wow that’s really gross”, well, yeah, it was at the time, but that sweat is actually what taught me a few things about high school and led me through my years here.

One: Make sure to wear the proper clothing to school each and every day, always check the weather to create your outfits accordingly, and be sure your clothing is not too close to your armpits. Having this new daily routine in the morning will help you to plan ahead for any day.

Two: Buy just about every deodorant that you can find. I’m talking men’s, women’s, antiperspirant, spray, gel, powder, when I say every deodorant, I mean EVERY deodorant. Shop for deodorant like Austin shopping on ebay. You never know when one deodorant might stop working for you. Having every deodorant is a great suggestion, so you can be prepared for anything and everything that may pop up at any random moment.

Three: Be prepared for the laughs. People will laugh at you and make fun of you for sweating. Just laugh with them and move on. Do not let the opinions of others change who you are. They will forget in the long run, just worry about yourself. Everything will be okay in the end.

Lastly, do NOT EVER, let what people say about you, hold you back. Through this crazy problem of mine, I have learned to not care about what others say or think about me. I just move on. Sure, people might think my armpit sweat is gross. Sure, there are days where I can’t control it. But once I find that new deodorant, and put that new one on in the morning, that is when I know I am ready. I am ready to take whatever challenge is thrown at me for the rest of the day. So my advice to us after we all graduate, is to move on with your life beyond the walls of Oak Hill High School, find your deodorant, use it, and face each day strong with your head up.

Thank you!


Photo by AGRONAUTI on / CC BY-SA



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  • aharris18
    May 25, 2018 at 3:07 pm 

    I really love how you related school to deodorant and finding the right one to apply to yourself kind of like finding the right things to guide you to where you want to be. This was very inspirational.

  • bmichaud18
    May 27, 2018 at 6:25 pm 

    I really liked how you used one of your own problems and made it something that everyone can relate to. I think your conclusion was really strong and I like how you made the statement about finding your deodorant and using it for everyday life experiences.

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