TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Top 5 Things I Learned About High School

As I think back on my four years in high school I remember some of the good and bad things that I have learned about high school. I remember when I was in middle school and everyone kept on telling me that high school was going to be so much fun. I had watched High School Musical to much so I had always thought that that is what high school was going to be like. I realized very fast that that was not what high school was. I learned five important things throughout high school.

First:  Everything in high school is a popularity contest. I was never one of the popular people throughout high school. I had noticed that most of the teachers favor the people who are considered as “popular” in school. They always go to them and talk to them in class even though someone else might be needing help. I also realized that spring fling is a popularity contest as well. Even though we had won all four years all we were trying to do was prove to everyone that we are better than them. There are popular people in each grade but it doesn’t really matter if you are popular or not. I got through high school just fine not being a popular student.

Second: You should definitely join a sport during high school. Basically most of the students in our school play a sport. Being a part of a sport helps you gain more friends and helps build up relationships with people. If I had never joined cheering I would not know as many people as I do. I gained a lot of friendships from joining cheering. I highly recommend that you join a sport when you get into high school.

Third: Never have school lunch, “always bring your own”. The food is very interesting. It is not anything good that you want to be eating. Especially when they say we are having Pizza Burger. Like who has ever heard of such thing? You should not trust the school food. The only thing that is good is the bosco sticks. Everyone wants the bosco sticks. You have to at least try school lunch once, but after that always bring your own food.

Fourth: High school is what you make it to be. You can go to high school and be one of those people that just does their work and nothing else and you could consider high school as being boring. Or you can be one of those people who go to high school make a ton of friends and always are hanging out with someone. Or you can go and just not do your work and blame it on everyone else. I’ve realized that I have seen all of these scenarios play out. Some people will think high school was a blast and always remember how fun it was. Me, “I will remember how much homework I always had to do”.

Fifth: Senior year is not as fun as everyone tells you it is going to be. I went into senior year thinking this is going to be the best year of high school ever. Yeah, “no, it was so much harder than I thought”. I always had piles of homework to do and never enough time to get it all done. Especially with capstone, that just added another whole level of stress on top of the level of stress I already had. Being a senior is fun, “but they always tell you it is the easiest year when in reality it is not”.

Throughout high school there were so many good and bad things that had happened. There were so many memories that get made during your years in high school. You should always do your work on time and never slack off. High school can be so much fun but it can also be very stressful and hard. Being the best person that you can be in high school will help you out a lot more than you think. Always try your hardest and never give up on your dreams.

Photo by Thomas Hawk on / CC BY-NC


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1 Comment

  • jblack18
    May 28, 2018 at 8:27 pm 

    Every point you make in this speech is right on the spot, Popularity is an almost guaranteed way to get through high school. although i only did sports for my freshman and sophomore year they were like a door to making new friends. You form a bond with these people and it makes friendships that you never may have had. My favorite thing throughout this is when you say high school is what you make it. This is so true because when you walk through those doors freshman year you are put in control of your life unlike you ever have been and this can be challenging but if you do whats right you get get through high school very easy.

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