TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A Pretty special breed

               Hey guys it’s me. Blaize. Remember me? I’m the guy that sits right there. You might also know me as the shortest guy in our grade. A title I don’t take with pride so don’t call me that. But i’m not here to talk about me. I’m here to talk about us. And I think we’re a pretty special breed. Sure every class that comes through this school is unique, but I think we stand out a little more than most. We are the leaders of the new Millennium, the kids born after what everyone thought was going to be the end of the world, but the world ending in 2000 is so stupid…. Everyone knows the world was supposed to end on December 21st 2012. There’s also some kids left over from the 90’s. But we don’t talk about them. Through our 12 years of school we have coincidentally been the first classes to get to try all the new systems and rules school are making. And sure 90% of the time they sucked and just made things more of a hassle, but whatever it makes us special. And we’re not that foney special. The everybody wins special. At least I don’t think so. I feel we have worked hard and it’s paid off in some places. We are the first class to ever get a 4 year win streak in winter carnival. We have also done plays that no other class has done. These plays are something no class can ever do… Or at least not do to the quality of what we have done. We’ve also played in state games and we’ve even won some of them.

                It’s all these accomplishments that make us stand out among others. And if that doesn’t prove just how good we are then all you have to do is look at the people around you. With social media every person here is connected to each other. And we’re all friends anyway. There’s no bullying in our grade, which sadly can’t be said for others. And i’m pretty sure we have broken every stereotype possible. We have no stupid jocks. We have no nerds with no friends and no life. In fact some of the most athletic people in our grade have turned out to be the smartest. And I know there gonna grow up to do great things. I don’t know if we are the most grown up grade. I know we certainly don’t look like it. It’s like every class ends up looking younger and younger from the one before these days. But we certainly are more mature in ways… don’t get me wrong though, we are pretty childish too. But that’s a good thing. People who are to mature are lame.

              This class is full of some pretty special people. Who I know are going to do some pretty great things. I know all of us are going to do something great in our lives. Weather it’s a 40 year long career of greatness or a 30 second moment in the spotlight. We’re all going to get an opportunity to do something others can’t. And when that time comes I know you will take it when others would hesitate. Cause after all… we are a pretty special breed. Thank you.


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1 Comment

  • tdesmarais18
    May 29, 2018 at 11:55 am 

    I agree with you Blaize. Our grade has done many special things that the other grades here didn’t or haven’t gotten the chance to do. Like the Romeo and Juliet play we did. We had many scenes where only our brains could make the scenes as funny as they were.

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