TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A Sixth Grader’s Need to Shave

My story is a little different, it wasn’t necessarily a question I was afraid to ask, it is more a story about asking and begging for something to come true.
Lets go back a few years all the way to sixth grade, it’s beginning to look like summer time, and that means shorts weather. Now looking back on this, I think it’s quite a silly question, or a silly need. My best friend, Savannah and I were convinced that we needed to shave our legs.
Well, we kind of thought about it for weeks, we mulled over how hairy our legs were. Thinking back now, our legs were not that hairy at all. Also thinking back it kind of was a silly question to ask or to even have to beg for.
So, we were at my house and I asked my mom if I could shave my legs, and she kind of looked at me funny and said, “I’ll think about it.”
I kind of thought score! I’m going to get shave my legs! Then our next project was to ask Selena about it, but try to ask her in a way she couldn’t say no.

So, the next time Savannah and I were at her house, we decided to ask. Selena was outside picking weeds out of her flower garden, it was a nice warm and sunny day, and we were of course wearing shorts. “Hey mom, can I shave my legs?” Savannah said.

“Why do you need to shave your legs? They’re not even hairy.” Selena replied.

“Nicole said she’d think about it.”

“Well, I will think about it.” Selena replied.

We couldn’t believe it, our parents were basically pulling the it will depend on what she says card. So, we went to town on working on my mom to say yes, it took a lot of begging, and saying we will do this, if I can do this. Eventually my mom compromised and said she’d get me Veet, it is similar to Nair, which is a cream you put on for a certain amount of time, then you wash it off and all of the hair goes away for a few weeks.

So, after Savannah heard about what my mom’s compromise was, she needed to try and get Selena to agree. I didn’t see Savannah for a could of weeks, and we didn’t have cell phones at the time to keep each other updated on operation leg shaving, but the next time I saw her, she had shaved her legs. Well, I thought she had, but then she told me that after hearing what my mom said, Selena eventually agreed. The next time that Selena and Savannah went to Target, Selena bought Savannah Nair, which was a similar hair removal product to the one I had.

So, in the end it kind of was a silly thing to want to have happen so much, that you have to come up with a plan to get your parents to agree to you being allowed to shave, but we got what we wanted. A life time of having to shave, what a pain in the butt.

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1 Comment

  • mnelson18
    May 30, 2018 at 10:02 am 

    I can relate to this story because I remember asking my mom to shave when I was going into middle school because I noticed my cousin doing it one day over the summer, and I was wondering why I hadn’t done it before. You did a good job explaining the whole story and making it an enjoyable one too.

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