TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Asking Questions

Now I can’t recall a time where I asked a question that made me look like a fool. Although I don’t have a personal experience where I asked a question I do remember a time when someone else asked a question and immediately regretted it after.
One day in my English class at about 10:20 in the morning I was engaging in a conversation with other students and our teacher. The topic of the conversation was a topic that most people would know a lot about because it’s basically common sense. I won’t share the question because I wouldn’t want everyone to know that I am talking about because this was a particularly embarrassing moment.This student was a great student in school and someone that everyone wishes they could be because of how smart they are so you can bet your bottoms that people were going to mock them for the question they had asked. But if it wasn’t for this one question I wouldn’t have a learned a lesson about how people can be so mean, and not to judge others on the questions they ask.
To this person who asked the question they were mortified at the way that everyone looked at them and I would be too if I had become the center of attention. Being the center of attention is not fun at all in these cases and here is why. I can remember it perfectly as I saw heads slowly turning in the students direction and saying “did you really just ask that?” this was something that I too had thought, but I am not like most students who blurt something out like my class did. So to the person who asked the question this was all just another excuse for people to hurt other people’s feelings. This is why I feel like a lot of people are afraid to raise their hands and ask questions about things that maybe be confusing to them. If people wouldn’t judge others, like the kids in my English did to the one who asked the question I feel like I would be more apt to ask questions about things that I am unsure about.
I personally wish that it was easy for people to ask questions, and esay for me. Sadly I am too afraid of getting mocked or teased or getting looked like at like I have three heads, asking questions because that is just how society is. Asking questions shouldn’t be a bad thing. As for myself I am afraid to ask questions because I always second guess myself and think about what others would say if I asked the question that I was contemplating in my head. So to be honest I am more afraid of judgments than the question that I need to ask.
I hope that in the future asking questions becomes second nature to society and myself. Asking questions is a learning experience whether you learn not to ask questions from a question or you learn more about something you didn’t know much about. Asking questions is a part of life. So please start asking questions when you are unsure about things.
Photo by Ksayer1 on / CC BY-SA


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