TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Awkward Question

That awkward moment when you’re a new student at a new school in a class with people you don’t really know.  When I was new to Oak Hill that was me, I didn’t know anyone  and just didn’t participate in class because I didn’t know much people. My awkward question was in social studies at the middle school and I had a question about what we were doing in class but I didn’t ask it mainly because of the fact that I didn’t know anyone, and didn’t want to seem weird to ask a question in class, Because I didn’t ask that question I was completely clueless in the class and didn’t know what we were even doing as a class. I believe that If I did ask the question I wouldn’t have been a weirdo and I would have known what we were doing in class. I wouldn’t have had another questions about the class I was in.  If I were to have just asked the question I had I would have been known as the non-quite one and that in my opinion is a very typical statement that most people have is wow that new kid is quite. I didn’t want that to be my new description as the quite kid in school but that is what I got because I was so scared to ask the question. I believe if I would have asked the question all would have been good and I would have to guess on so much in the class I struggled with so much.


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1 Comment

  • mgreenleaf20
    January 12, 2020 at 7:43 pm 

    I find this post very relateable due to the fact that I had felt the same way when I also have first moved to Oak Hill, I didn’t know many people and I had that reputation on being shy and quiet. I like how you described what should have been the outcome had you asked that question in social studies.

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