TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Friendship built on Smiles

My best friendship’s are made by laughter. My best friend Kyle, is probably the best friendship I have ever had mainly because we always have a great time when ever we hangout for a day or a night mainly because all we do is laugh the whole time. Kyle and I have always had “Prank Wars” in which we prank each other, the first prank was by me pranking Kyle and letting air out of Kyle’s jeep tires which are big tires so it was noticeable while he was driving home, because it had just enough air to drive on but didn’t look as big of a vehicle as it does with the tires pumped up.

Kyle got back at me with hiding my car keys from me when I was trying to leave my house and he acted like he had no idea what happened to them, I had to look around for them for two hours, after searching 2 hours he finally told me that he had them while he was bursting out in laughter. Later that day I realized that is just the way mine and Kyle’s friendship is, we always laugh at and with each other.

Kyle and I have a great friendship mainly because we go to great lengths for each other, for example, Kyle had to go to his fire department class on night from 6-8 and he didn’t have a car at that time so I brought him there and back in a snow storm because that’s how we are, I am always able to talk to him even if its bad, when ever I am thinking about anything in life and I am having a hard time coming up with a solution he always has a solution.


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1 Comment

  • mgreenleaf20
    May 29, 2020 at 7:38 am 

    I can relate to this because that is how me and my best friend are! We have been friends for five years and the way we became friends was because I would always do the most crazy things, that’s just my energy and who I am and it always made her laugh. She always made me laugh, we have a very undescrible, complex friendship I have ever had however I would not trade it for the world.

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