TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Goodbye high school

To all that sit here, we prepare ourselves for the journey we are about to begin. Some of us will go off to college, some will stay close to home, and others well, they might not know what they’re about to do. But most importantly we prepare ourselves not to pass each other in the hallways or sit together at lunch or even hear every last bit of gossip going around the school. We prepare ourselves not to be together anymore, and I’m sure some of us will keep in touch but as a whole we will not be all together in one building again after graduation. Which is why I encourage you all to take a moment to think about all the memories we’ve shared as a class, not just the good, the bad ones too.

As a class we’ve shared four years of winter carnival wins, two football state championships, many power outages, the water shortage this year, and the internet going out every year during crunch time while everybody is trying to get work in, along with many other things that I can’t seem to think of right now.

High school has been an emotional time for all of us. Most of us have been through losses as well as gains, may it be family members, friends, or boyfriends and girlfriends. We’ve been through stress in many different forms. We have been through happiness and sadness. Each of us has created a support system to deal with these emotions and High School in general.

I was once told that high school would be the best four years of my life, at that moment I thought to myself, yeah right. But now at the end of senior year I sit and think back and realize that this miserable experience of high school wasn’t that bad and that everybody goes through it. In these four years, I created friendships I never thought were possible and  I’ve created bonds with adults and teachers that are unbreakable. In all thirteen years of schooling I have learned many things such as, you can’t always trust the girl sitting behind you because she just might cut your hair off. Some of you may laugh at that but in Kindergarten that was my reality, the girl behind me took a pair of scissors and took a good chunk of my hair off. I have also learned that sometimes things just aren’t worth saying but at other times it may be necessary to speak up and let your voice be heard. I learned to never care about other people’s opinions about me and to never let the rumors get to me. Another lifelong lesson I have learned in high school is that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. Most of all in my years of schooling I learned to be myself.

I think many of us have our own story as to how their years of schooling went for them, some had good experiences others not so much. As a class we don’t all always see eye to eye and we struggle to understand each other’s lives but I think there is some things we can all agree on, one being it will be an experience we remember forever whether that be a good thing or bad is based solely on your depiction of high school, Two is that it was a long thirteen years of our lives and for some of us fourteen, and three is that we are ready to be done with Oak Hill High School academics forever..

To the class of 2018, I wish you the best of luck in whatever life endeavors your future holds.  


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