TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

High School Experiences

Good afternoon and welcome class of 2018. Today I want to share  a bit of advice with you from personal experience.

#1 Do your work right the first time. During my freshman year I failed english 1 because I never followed the advice from upperclassmen about doing your work on time because I thought that I had already knew everything there was to know about school. I failed english 1 because I never did my school work when it was assigned or put minimal effort into what I did do. I would just end up pushing it to the side and eventually forgetting how to do it when it came time to pass it in in order to complete english 1. So I advise those of you who feel like you don’t have to put the effort in to doing work to actually rethink your ways and hopefully do your work. Having to do things over and over again and failing a class because you did not do it right the first time and put little effort into it is not something to brag about, and is most certainly not fun.


#2 Do not procrastinate. For me procrastination was my best friend. Every time I was given an assignment in English class I would just shrug it off and tuck it in my folder never to be seen again. Well guess what, shrugging it off was the worst thing that I could ever do. Today I stand before you to tell you how I am currently worried about being able to graduate and start the next chapter in my life because I have put off too much work until now. Procrastination may be fun in the moment when you can go hangout with friends and not worry about your school work but there is always a consequence good or bad for every decision made, and procrastination leads to bad ones. Do not make decisions that end up hurting you later on.


#3 Ask a lot of questions. Throughout my four years of high school I was never the type of person to raise my hand and ask a question aloud. Asking questions is a huge part of high school and an essential part to growing up. Everyday we ask questions whether to ourselves, our friends, or our teachers and from these questions we learn valuable things. I wish that I had asked more questions about certain things that I was unsure about or just wanted to know more about because it interested me. Maybe if I had asked more questions in high school I would be better prepared for the real world outside of Oak Hill. But sadly there are still many things that I do not know. So if you get the chance to know more about something go for it, take advantage of having people there to answer your questions.


#4 Do not let judgements shape who you are. When I was a freshman I was very scared about what other people would think of me and so I was quiet and kept to myself a lot. As I grew up I realized that everyone worries about what other people think even if you are the person judging. To me this was something that helped me to care less about other people’s opinions and to just be myself because my happiness was worth more than petty judgments that only lasted for five minutes. If you are one of these people who are afraid to be yourself because of judgments that could possibly be made then you need to just let it go. No matter what you do there will be someone judging because no one is perfect and everyone is different. Just be the best you that you can be and you will end up being happier than those who let judgments get in the way. This information is something that everyone needs to follow and maybe just maybe high school would be a tad bit more fun and memorable. Do your work right the first time, do not procrastinate, ask questions, and do not let judgments shape who you are. These are life lessons that even adults could follow. I can’t promise anything if you follow these steps but I can at least say that it is worth trying and seeing what comes from it.

Thank you

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1 Comment

  • bdrouin18
    May 29, 2018 at 10:19 am 

    I think we both had the same problem freshman year about not passing in work and being lazy. Our work ethic was about the same when we were freshman because we thought we never had to do anything. And thats when I realized that I can’t keep doing that.

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