TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Jesus was Born in a Rock Band?

I have asked so many dumb questions in my life, and I’ve had many moments where I almost asked something really, really, dumb. The one moment that really sticks out took place during my ballet class a couple of months ago.
Every year for my end-of-the-year recital at dance, we have a theme that every dance class follows. This year, our theme is “Moments In History”, the majority of the recital piece have to do with a certain era or historical event. We have pieces about The Creation of the Earth, The Industrial Revolution, and Egyptian Times…(just to name a few). In this particular ballet class we hadn’t started working on our recital piece yet, we didn’t even know what it was going to be about yet. Our dance teacher finally told us that we would be doing the time change from BC to AD. Instantaneously, and (obviously) without thinking I blurted out “Oh Cool! AC/DC– That’s when Jesus was born, right?!”.
**Please note: I am a rather active Christian, I go to church every Sunday and I attend two bible studies a week, on top of that I read my bible daily (I may even minor in biblical studies in college!)** …With that being said: this was a very embarrassing moment for me. Considering that, AC/DC is a rock band….Not a time period, (and CERTAINLY doesn’t have a single thing to do with Jesus). It was most definitely not what I was going for. As soon as I realized what I had said I started laughing and everyone else starting laughing at me. I couldn’t believe I had actually asked that. It didn’t really bother me that everyone was laughing at me, but I was rather embarrassed. It has now become a joke that tends to be brought up more often than I would want it to. If someone mentions AC/DC (the band) someone else will be like “Oh, Alex, isn’t that when Jesus was born?!?!?!” They think it’s hilarious….Me– not so much. I don’t think much would’ve been very different if I hadn’t of blurted that question out (everyone would’ve found some other dumb thing I said to pick on my for).
I have moved on and accepted the fact that I will say dumb things (A LOT) or ask dumb things (even more often), so I don’t let it bother me when people laugh about it I wasn’t necessarily afraid to ask the question, (mostly because I accidentally blurted it out). I’m usually only embarrassed for a second, and then I just laugh along with everyone else. Don’t let dumb little things like that get to you, everyone will usually forget about it after awhile, (unless they are my friends, who like to bring it up as a joke ALL THE TIME), but you know…It’s fine! Who cares if you say stupid things, EVERYONE does!
Photo onĀ


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