TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Keep moving forward

Laughter is scientifically proven to be a power force that our bodies have control over. For example, have you ever been in a high pressured situation and laughing would not be appropriate but you couldn’t help it. Or maybe being in an uncomfortable situation so you chuckle due to feeling awkward. When humans laugh they release endorphins and dopamine, nature’s “feel-good” chemicals. This allows us to be able to cope with stress, find hope, and see problems in new ways. It is a healthy way to cope with stress and a good way to stay positive in negative situations. Some people don’t have the ability to laugh at bad things. They have a state of mind where they are unable to laugh when life knocks them down. Sadly these people are usually stubborn as well and are stuck in their mindset. I personally try to make good out of all bad situations so it doesn’t ruin my whole day. This is a skill that needs to be worked on constantly. It is so easy to let one little thing bother us the whole day. Which doesn’t make sense, cause the problem won’t change by thinking about it.
It was one day this winter that I knew the moment I woke up, it wasn’t going to be a good day. I hardly slept the night before and I knew I had a few exams the next day. I forgot to study for one of my tests and was up stressing about the other one. I didn’t even want to get out of bed. My alarm went off way too soon, I got up to shower and the water wouldn’t get hot. I then went to eat breakfast and ran out of my favorite cereal. Forty-five minutes into my day I was flustered. It felt like nothing would go in my favor.
After leaving the house to head to school on time, I was out of gas and knew I wouldn’t make it all the way to school. So, I stopped and filled up my tank which put me a few minutes behind track. Finally, arriving at school, my teacher told us to pass in our homework. As I went to reach for my bag and couldnt feel it, I remembered I left it on my kitchen table where I was working on school work the prior night. At this point I swear nothing else could go wrong. I just wanted the day to be over.
Just as you think it couldn’t get any worse it will. I drove home to get my school bag and when I pulled into my driveway, my dog was running around outside. Mind you no one was home. The last person out forgot to shut the door. I was praying that my cats just stayed inside where they know they belong. At this point, it’s almost 10:30, and I just want to crawl back into bed. Meanwhile, I grab my bag and make sure all my animals are in the house and make my back to school.
Suddenly, as I am driving down the road I just burst out in laughter. I honestly don’t have any reason as to why. I thought to myself, don’t let this ruin my whole day. I only have four hours left of school. Go in with a smile and forget about this morning. I just laughed about all the bad things that happened to me that morning cause it was just ironic how when one thing goes wrong, it just continuously went down hill from there. Honestly why let it bother me I said to myself. It is quite funny how all this is happening to me this morning and I just chuckled to myself the rest of the way to school.
Laughter is a healthy thing and I encourage anyone that is having a bad day or even week to embrace it. It makes you a stronger person when able to achieve the days that are bad. Also bad days makes home feel like the most relaxing place to be. Being able to relax. Life has a way of throwing things at us without warning. Just laugh and keep moving forward.


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  • nleclair18
    May 29, 2018 at 12:10 am 

    I really enjoyed reading this! It was well-written and kept my attention the whole way through. I like how you started it off with an interesting fact and explained why we sometimes laugh in awkward or uncomfortable situations. With everything that happened, that sounds like one disaster of a day! I’ve had similar days where it just seems like nothing will go right. I like how you chose not to let it all get to you and didn’t let it drag you down. I also try to stay in a positive mindset and brush things off. Worrying about small problems only causes stress. If you stay positive about it, it becomes easier to resolve. I find that when I’m upset about something, it helps to look in a mirror and smile. Like laughing, smiling releases endorphins that boost your mood. Reading this post made me laugh, so thanks for boosting my mood!

  • tdesmarais18
    May 29, 2018 at 12:18 pm 

    Most people I talk to don’t understand this. Yes some of the people tell me to not let one little thing ruin my day, but others just sit back and complain about the bad things that are happening and don’t try to find any good in them. For example someone might be late for school because their alarm clock didn’t go off, but the good in that can be the fact that the person got extra sleep. With this extra sleep they could possibly get more work done than if they walked around like a tired zombie all day. It’s just all perspective.

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