TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Laughing, but is it funny?

Laughter is the all time key to happiness.
Many times I have laughed from pure happiness or something that is funny, as does anyone. I have also been able to, at times, look back at many things that have happened to me or that I have done and be able to laugh or make jokes about. It does help to be able to look back and laugh (even if it is not actually funny) instead of making yourself or others miserable because of something in the past that you connot control or change.
My situation is kind of odd, as many people know I bought my first “nice-ish” car by myself, a 2010 Subaru Forester, just the other day! So I am pretty proud of it, seeing as I am the one paying for it every month… Anyway, the day after I picked it up from the dealership I decided to pick one of my friends up for school in the morning. I was very excited to be driving my new car and wanted to show it off to her. After I got to her house, about 20 minutes after I left my house, we left on a mission to get coffee from Dunkin Donuts and then drove to school, yes we were a little bit late, what’s new. All of that was perfectly fine until my dear friend went to get her backpack out of the back seat of my beloved car.
Next thing I know there is a big wet spot under where her backpack was sitting, I was angry, as you can imagine (the day prior my car was deep cleaned by the dealership). She felt kind of bad at the time and she did offer to clean it then told me it was just like water with some flavoring so I felt a little better from that because I assumed it would just dry and not leave a single trace. At that point I was still not necessarily laughing about it. It has now been a couple of days since then, guess whose backseat is stained!?
Yes, this made me quite angry at first, and I will tease my friend about it all the time even though it just happened a few days ago, and possibly for years to come. But by me teasing her we always end up laughing which makes my anger and her guilt fade away. I will joke about making her buy me a new car and things like that and I’ll push her around a little bit and she always comes back with a very sarcastic, hilarious remark. I can’t be mad at her for long, especially when she is constantly making me laugh and making me feel better. No matter what is wrong she will always make me laugh to help me out, I try to do the same but I’m not very funny so I make myself look stupid, ending up making us both laugh. I also realised that if I look back at this in a couple of years I will be able to laugh at the amount of anger it brought me, because it was a little unnecessary I do admit. So either way, things work out for the best.
Our ability to laugh helps us get through many things, maybe not life changing or scary things but it helped me get through the anger of a stain on the seat of my brand new (to me) car. Laughter can help heal much bigger problems than the stain on my poor little car, but this is just another example of laughter healing.

Photo by The National Roads and Motorists’ Association on / CC BY


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