TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

My B.

In life there can be drastic consequences for being late to something, whether it be important or not doesn’t matter but what does matter is what I’m gonna tell you. As a matter of fact especially, if you are in a heavy, high stress rush to get to school on time so you can make the bus to LRTC (Lewiston Regional Technical Center). But also, you can either look back at a past mistake and be able to either be mad at it or laugh at it no matter how dumb it was, even if you crashed your car and damaged it. That day that we’re going to talk about is the same day I had to be up for school early in the AM at the crack of dawn for LRTC which meant that I had to be on the bus for 7:30 or it leaves. But the night before I had been up all night and I had probably four hours of sleep in me because I was working on homework so I was running on fumes. So when I woke up at 7:20 for school and I was already on the verge of being late so I had jumped in my car and sped to school. By that point I was already late and and it was about 7:35 and the bus had already left. But I was in the mood to fully send it so I big old power turned and whipped my car into the School’s driveway at 30 Miles per hour and that action had the worst consequences let me tell you. this was a bad idea however because this was wintertime and the driveway was icy because it is always poorly plowed. My car’s brakes stalled on the ice, slid over the ice, and then finally, it swerved into a stop sign and it had scraped the left side of my car and I landed into a ditch but Luckily I was safe and I thank god for that everyday. At this point I was a little shocked because I had just launched my car into a ditch! Luckily though, a parent who was dropping their kid off saw what happened and came to help me and I’m thankful they did. Eventually, I had called AAA and after 40 minutes of waiting in the blistering cold outside of my car, They had finally pulled my car out of the ditch with a tow truck but my car was still running and I’m thankful for that too. After I had filed a police report with the sheriff in front of my school. It wasn’t funny that I had launched my car into a ditch at the time because everyone was laughing at how dumb I was and it was totally at my expense and at the time it made me feel terrible and I couldn’t get over itEspecially, if someone who doesn’t know you sees you and only knows things about your failures and negative stuff and comes up to me and laughs or says something smart. Eventually, I thought it was just an inexpensive car that didn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. Also, I had always thought that something like this would happen to me at least one time in my life so I learned to laugh it off over time.

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