TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Oh, How I’ll “Miss” High School

I’m sure you all know me already… if you don’t where the heck have you been?? Regardless, My name is Alex Hall, we’ve basically all known each other for years, so I don’t think much else is necessary for my introduction. So here we go.

This is it. We made it. The end out our senior year. And after spending a WONDERFUL 4 years in this beautiful school, there are a lot of things that I’m going to miss about being here. Like: ……

1. I’ll miss the countless hours spent doing membean trying to cram in the last 700 minutes with 2 days left of the semester.

2. I’ll miss walking through the halls trying to avoid people making out…EVERYWHERE

3. I’ll miss how well this school controls the building temperature, where some days it’s 400 degrees and some days are -400

4. I’ll miss the comforting sound of the roofers about to fall through the ceiling every single day

5. I’ll miss having to park in the VERY back of the parking lot, since the teachers took our spots because of the roofers, previously mentioned

6. I’ll miss doing star 360 tests, and how beneficial they have been to my education

7. I’ll miss having to weave my way past giant clumps of underclassmen who refuse to move in the halls

8. I’ll miss all the various smells that I get to experience each and everyday, like burnt food, pigs being dissected, and the smell of LITERAL poop.

9. I’ll miss the fact that if I drink the water from the water fountains; I will probably get sick and die.

10. I’ll miss hearing Mr. Alberti’s voice over the announcement everyday for the weeks of homecoming and winter carnival reminding us that grinding isn’t allowed at dances

11. I’ll miss wondering what all the random carpet stains are from and what possibly could have caused them

12. I’ll miss struggling to understand what the teachers wrote on the board because of their wonderful penmanship

13. I’ll miss the scrumptious options the school provided for our meals every day

14. I’ll miss reading Shakespeare, his beautiful, easy-to-understand words, and all of the papers we had to write, quoting this fantastic man.

15. I’ll miss waking up at 6AM everyday

16. I’ll miss the fact that we get two fun weeks a year, but those pep rallies last about 0.5 seconds

17. I’ll miss the fact our school ran out of water, and we were limited to 2 bathrooms, which forced us to wait for 20 minutes just to pee

18. I’ll miss finding random clumps of hair in the hallway or sticking out of people’s lockers

19. And, I’ll miss hearing the fantastic taste in music all the underclassmen play out loud for us to enjoy

I suppose, there are some things that I genuinely will miss about being here. I won’t actually miss reading Shakespeare or doing Membean, (I’m sure none of you will either). But, I will miss the memories we made as a class, during things like; Homecoming, Winter Carnival, our Romeo and Juliet play, and the Great Gatsby play, and all the little things inbetween. I mean honestly, I’ll miss seeing you all everyday, after being together for at least four years, it’ll be so strange not seeing each one of you around anymore. Soon, we’ll all be off into “the real world” trying to find our way around our college campuses, until it becomes just as familiar as Oak Hill High School. Over time, we’ll forget about all the dumb things that happened here, but hopefully we remember all the amazing memories we made as a class… because we truly we’re a remarkable class. Afterall, you’re all super rad people who will do super rad things in the world. So, just do what you love, and be happy. I’m excited to see where life takes everyone. Go do great things.

Photo by jeco on / CC BY-NC-SA


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