TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


High school is a busy time and it is full of cliches, wannabes, jocks, nerds, that kid everyone is nice to but they never get invited anywhere. An integral part of our society. With all of this it fascinates me about who thought it would be a good idea to cram all of these people into a building with a typical 20:1 student teacher ratio and expect progress. You wanna know what happens when these people come together to form something? Disaster in a great way. The drama, the chaos, the sheer lack of understanding from one meat sack to another, I truly love it. We are the same as ducks in the sense that we all go with one another and follow each other around and at some points even mindlessly.

Let’s step back and look over what has happened. Hurrr durrrr we grew up, thanks genius I know but I don’t want to go that deep. If someone told me that I would appreciate this place with its ever growing problems like how the roof that always leaks, the stench, how we get served breadsticks for a meal with a paste that is 80% water, 15% coloring, 5% tomato but some kids looked forward to eating that, which I respect but it wasn’t for me, I would tell them “okay” and move on. What I like about this place is being able to step back and watch this chaos unfold. Watching kids throw cucumber slices onto the window and without fail the entire table laughing or giggling or having an illicit market of Ticonderoga pencils.

The social concept is what makes this place what it is. A community of hormone jacked know it alls piloted by a gel that can guide said know it all into what they think is right or wrong. After we all go past this stage and go off and hopefully do great things or just things in general is good it will always be there. Haunting us like like a ghost that is there but doesn’t do anything but you know it’s there and we all have one in our home.

With this going on with little things such as trying to graduate or sports or jobs or social life or big things like homework and who’s boyfriend is bad to their girlfriend we try and do our best to manage these things without taking a breather and reorganizing priorities. Something like this is not taught by teachers or in a classroom but by the community of students that make up Oak Hill. It is learned through experience and the failure of others. Which is important, have you ever seen how penguins test if the water is safe? By pushing one another off until someone eventually falls and if they see blood then it’s a no go but if they don’t they all follow. Being that first penguin is hard and scary, you could die or you could not but your achievement will be forgotten as soon as the next jump must be done. What I am trying to say is that we must take a step back from where we are and think that others have gone through this and lived. It could have even been better once they did it. Just sit down, be humble and take your time as not everything has to be rushed but most importantly be realistic and don’t think that you can be a penguin that will fight a sea lion and win.

I mean, come on everyone let your past self be proud of who you are now. Let your present self know that past you is proud because that means you are doing it right. It doesn’t matter how much money you make and some of you are probably saying “I have never seen  rich person cry in a Ferrari” well most of you haven’t seen a Ferrari with someone in it to begin with and they have their own problems like which Swiss bank account to put their money in or if they can arrive from Singapore to Rome and back to the United States in time for their vacation month. We all have our struggles but there is always going to be someone who suffers more. Someone who falls nine times and gets up ten is a person who will kill the sea lion but getting there and building that character takes life experience and staying strong. I will not have the same life experiences as everyone else and I will not take the same route that everyone else does so why listen to me tell you about how to find your way and get pushed into life? Who knows?


Photo by Humanoide on / CC BY-NC


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