TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Story of My Life

Heat and the sun. Very interesting things in nature that can affect daily life. In Chemistry class you often learn about heat and the sun. I often asked questions to better my knowledge of the particular topic we were learning about. However I give you advice not to ask questions about heat and the sun, I however made a huge mistake by doing this.

On a nice warm spring afternoon sitting at a desk in chemistry my class and I were learning about heat. While on the topic of heat a kid in my class had made a comment about sunburns, now as you may already know sunburns do not come from heat. While on this topic I was very interested as I was about any topic in science. Although I thought that I had already known everything there was to know about these particular topics, I was way wrong, and had been too sure of myself to realize. It was a nice bright sunny day with not a single cloud in the sky and the temperature was around 75-80 degrees fahrenheit. As I gazed out the window to notice the sky I forever remember this day perfectly. So as my story begins, just minutes before I looked like the biggest fool I thought to myself about how you can burn in the sun but also in the snow. I was curious as to why this was because I had thought that you would only burn in the sun. I thought this because I believed like I said that I knew all there was to know about the topic already so why wouldn’t know this? Then it all happened my memory forever stuck on this moment…just kidding it was not this bad. But I decided to raise my hand and ask the most stupidest question that I could possibly ask.

“Heat from the sun is what burns you right? So how can you burn when it is cold out?” as soon as I had asked this question the whole room went silent and I noticed that everyone’s head was slowly turning in my direction. And with that a look of confusion was on their face. Here is the part when I had realized that my question was the most stupidest question that I could ever ask and that I was probably actually most certainly wrong about it. At this point I felt like a complete and utter idiot that everyone will forever laugh at me and remember this moment all because of that one question that I just had to confirm. To be honest I don’t even fully remember my teacher’s response because he probably didn’t even respond.Sadly I can remember everything about this moment and a few minutes before this moment because I will forever remember my stupidity and know that it is not as bad as I had though. I even remember my teacher just standing there with his arms crossed and a smirk ready to turn into a laugh just looking at me. I want to believe that he would have ignored me so that maybe everyone would think they were crazy and heard things that I never actually said but that wasn’t the case. Instead he calmly looked in my direction and answered with a very sarcastic but scientific answer.

At least now I was humiliated but was able to understand that I should never ask a question that again. Although this valuable lesson will forever be ingrained in the back of my memory it has taught me that things do not always last forever and not even a single person has told me they remember this moment besides myself.If I could go back in time and fix that situation to be honest I don’t think that I would. Despite all of the confused faces and foolish way that I had felt I at least learned a valuable lesson to only asks these questions when no one is around, and to not think that I already know everything there is to know about certain topics. Because truth is, I do not know everything.

Photo by Beth77 on / CC BY-NC-ND


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