TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

top 10 things high school taught me.

You hear it a lot, “What did you learn while in school” well I could give you the answer everyone expects to hear: Geometry, AP, English, History, Maybe even a moral lesson like “oh I learned to not procrastinate” or “I learned to do my work the night before it’s due!” well I think I could give you a list a mile long of different things I learned. Like that girl you swear was the one, wasn’t, and even something that seems amazing can be a bad idea. Not to put money before friendships, and to live laugh and love. I know it sounds funny and overused, yet I find a lot of truth in the statement. You’ll always make mistakes in your life, you’ll always have things due, you’ll always have those obstacles in life. It’s important to lean back and take it easy as much as you can. So To help you in your future endeavors I created a list of things you should always remember as  you go you begin your life as a postgraduate.

10.) Friends will come and friends will go. throughout your entire life you will make new friends and stop talking to others, so never put your life on hold to try and keep someone in it. Always keep moving forward and challenging yourself, anyone who is meant to be in your life will catch up with you. Never let someone tear down t

9.) Don’t waste your time worrying what people think of you. People will always have opinions about you and the things you do. People will get jealous when you succeed and step on you when you fail. You only have 24 hours in a day, don’t waste any of it worrying what people think of you!

8.) Push yourself past your comfort level. If high school has taught me anything it’s don’t be afraid to push yourself! It’s good to expand your horizons because there will always be challenges in life, and if you never push yourself when your young you won’t be properly prepared for it when you’re older. New experiences are a great experience.  

7.) Don’t hang out with people because they’re cool. If you hang out with people just because they’re cool doesn’t mean you will be happy. Associate yourself with good people who you enjoy spending time with. Good memories are made in good company.

6.) You will make mistakes that you can’t fix. And that’s just apart of life, sometimes you’re going to break a heart, or crash a car or be fired from a job. You have to be able to forgive yourself for whatever you might have done and learn from it. Mistakes are apart of life.

5.) The right thing to do, sometimes isn’t always the most popular idea. There will be times in your life when the right thing to do might seem hard or might make you look lame to others, but in 40 years people will remember you as the person who made the right choices and did the right thing.

4.) Sometimes it’s hard to tell who is going to be a big part in your life, some people who you thought would always be there will end up leaving after a couple months, but sometimes there’s those people who are always there and willing to help that you might not notice as much. So be nice to everyone and be caring because you never know who will stay and who will leave.

3.) stand up for what you believe in. there will always be people who challenge what you believe and there will always be people who try to intimidate you into believing what they believe. But stay strong in what you believe, there may be consequences to your actions but if you believe in your cause than it’s worth the risk.

2.) Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it, I know some people have problems with that and like to build walls around them so they can do it on their own. but trust me, sometimes if you swallow your pride and try to find help it is much more beneficial, whether its school, friends, family, don’t be afraid to speak up if you need help.

1.)  Take responsibility for yourself and your own actions. Circumstances may have made you who you are today but it doesn’t define who you you are tomorrow, if you don’t like the life you’re living, change it. Nothing is impossible with hard work and dedication.

So class of 2018 I leave you with these words of wisdom, what you do from here is 100% based off your choices. Be smart, be conscientious of others, and always be willing to learn from your mistakes. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and thank you for all the memories we’ve made together, thank you.

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