TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

What did I learn In high school?

   Have you ever heard someone ask you, “What did you learn in high school?”, I can tell you what I know others will say is, I learned not to procrastinate and to do my homework the night its assigned and that math is mega boring but that’s not it, I learned much more than that, Along with the high school book smarts I have learned much more life lessons just by being a freshman to being a senior. There will always be the stress of a a due date, and the stress of being late. If any I have learned is take a break and step back and analyze what’s going on and how to fix it. So To help you in your future journey I am made a list of things you should always remember as  you go you begin your life as a High School graduate.


10).  Friends are unstable and come and go, by that I mean friend will leave and stop talking to you but so what? Why stop your life so you can keep toxic people? If they were meant to be in your life they will be.

9). Don’t worry about what others think of you. If they don’t like you who cares why would you change to impress others?  People will talk like your best friends one minute and the next they will talk smack. So be yourself and who care about the rest.

8). You will Make Mistakes and that’s okay because it’s normal. You will Crash your car and you will get fired from a job but that’s fine, because you have to forgive yourself even if you think you can.

7). Don’t let money ruin your friendship with a brother like friend, Money Is money and friends are friends, if you can just don’t buy a car from someone you know because if all else fails it will ruin the relationship. And I can tell you by personal experience, it stinks.

6). Don’t put working before school, You will work all your life so why start early? Enjoy being a licensed teenager and not giving a rip about work. It’s not worth stressing about all your life.

5). Don’t quit your favorite sport to work and make more money, I will never play football again but I could Have played a little longer if I wasn’t stupid. You will always work with people you don’t like but you won’t play high school football again with your friends.

4). Don’t let the good weather stop Homework. I know it’s sunny and 75 but summer school is much hotter and not fun at all, Make sure you do homework every night even if you don’t have anything, membean is always there lurking in the shadow.

3). Learn to forgive and forget. I will always live by these words mainly because it’s the best saying ever. Don’t hold a grudge your whole life over something so small. Get over the argument and forget what happen.

2). You’ll never fully appreciate some people until it’s too late, and you have to forgive yourself for that.  Don’t let a little thing bug you. If they mean something to you, make sure you let you loved one know that they are loved.

1). DO MEMBEAN! Membean is harder to forget because it’s not a paper document but it will always be there and if you forget you will hate how much you suddenly have to do.

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1 Comment

  • mgreenleaf20
    May 25, 2020 at 5:51 pm 

    I can relate to this because you being my brother have told me these lessons form the moment I had gotten into high school therefore I have lived by these since day one. These tips on high school has helped me to graduate and look at life differently and I thank you for that.

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