TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

I have no clue where I’m going

It’s about time I share this to the general public. I understand that we all grew up in different houses and have taken different roads. We have different memories and matured at different times. We all group up and it is reasonable to assume that at the age of 18, we can handle making simple decisions. Decisions such as where to turn or how much further you need to drive. However, I am here to ask of you nothing short of a simple favor. When you try giving me directions to your house and if you live in Sabattus, please do not start telling me where you live by saying that you’re near the Settlement and then going from there. I have no clue where on earth where this settlement is.

It may seem like a stupid question and certainly some people know exactly where it is, but I on the other hand, have no clue what so ever. I don’t know when this happen, but it seems like everyone but me knows where it is. I have never been to this place before and if I have I still couldn’t tell you where it is. I have hear it more times then I can remember and it seems to be all of Sabattus’s people common ground for starting to share directions. I am coming to a point in my life where I have considered that it doesn’t exist. That this place is nothing but smoke and mirrors. However, I have also reached a point where I was and still am, embarrassed to ask people where it is. I’ve had to pretend like I know where it is and wait for the person to just give me an address. This Settlement has made about the same amount of appearances as Atlantis. Now it could very well be that I’ve passed it many times driving through Sabattus, but never can I recall what this place looks like. I have no clue where this place is and I’ve been to shy to ask because my question is then followed by a combination of “you’re joking right?” or “how do you not know where it is?”.

The main reason I feel like me asking where the Settlement is counts as a stupid question is because it’s asking people about knowledge that has become so common, someone who is generally confused on its where abouts, seems rather silly and strange. I didn’t want to seem stupid in front of people just because I didn’t know where the Settlement was. I know I can always look for it myself, but it seems so pointless and a unproductive use of my time. I hope that this doesn;t make me seem stupid or oblivious, but I have no clue where it is. Who knows, maybe someday I will find it or reach a point where I don’t even need it. Either way this doesn’t stop me but it surely doesn’t make driving in Sabattus any easier.
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  • mmaloy18
    May 29, 2018 at 8:47 pm 

    I’m honestly the worst with directions, I mostly don’t remember street names. If I didn’t live in the middle of nowhere I probably wouldn’t know where the Settlement is either.

  • barsenault18
    May 30, 2018 at 11:21 am 

    Not gonna lie Kyle I also do not know where the settlement is so whenever people say that i’m just already confused and I feel like if I ask i’m gonna get scolded because its probably like super close.

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