TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Question Everything

In school teachers of all kinds are usually really bad at explaining things to their students when they have taught the same lesson 1000 times. I think teachers forget that just because they have seen and taught the assignment many many times that we the students don’t also know the material as well this makes it harder to ask the questions since the teachers explain it so vaguely. In English and math especially since I tend to have a pretty hard time understanding what I have to or how to do something, so I have to either ask a lot of questions to my teacher or to ask my friends and girlfriend to explain it to me. Or I have to even ask my mom. At this point, my mom hates high school more than me.
My mom has helped me and my twin for years on our homework because she is super smart and helpful. She has helped me with all my classes but mostly English because she is the best at that. I can recall many late nights spent sitting at the kitchen table next to my mother tirelessly working to get an english essay done before the deadline so I could pass the class, I probably wouldn’t have made it this far without my mom by my side encouraging me and helping me through all those late nights. Now that I am in my senior year of high school and on my last week of crunch time my mom is so over high school and she can not wait until I graduate and “get the hell out of high school” so she does not have to hear anymore about Hamlet again until my brother Chase is a senior, then she’ll have to go through it all again with him, haha. My mom helps me alot and I ask her a lot questions and ask her to explain and help me with the work so she is really sick and tired of it. When she hears about English or Hamlet her eyes just about roll right out of her head.
The other day my mom was asking why I was not doing work and it was because I didn’t really understand it. I have this bad habit of procrastinating doing my work, especially when it’s do in a short amount of time or when I don’t understand how to do it because It really stresses me out and it’s easier to just not do it than to try and do it and get really stressed about it. So I waited quite a while to ask my mom for help but when I finally did ask her it turned out well because she was able to help me with my work and I was able to get it all done, it may or may not have been on time but it got done and that’s all that matters. As my mother was helping me with my work we both kept asking ourselves why I had to read about Hamlet, It is probably the most annoying I have ever read, I would have rather studied a Chinese dictionary than read Hamlet, at least I would have been learning something useful. It would be easier to ask Hamlet to stop doing everything than to let him do anything on his own. Seriously Hamlet why are you so dumb and why is this book in old English? I could have read Hamlet at least 3 times as fast if it was written in modern English and not old english.
I have learned that no matter how much you hate the work you’re doing and no matter how dumb you think it is, if you don’t understand how to do something then you do need to ask questions sometimes even if the people we read about are not asking themselves the questions they should be either. Without questions, we would not learn anything.


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