TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Well, That Was Fast

To be completely honest, high school sucked, but I wouldn’t change a thing. One of the best things I did during my high school years was get my drivers License. Once I got my license, all I wanted to do was drive I couldn’t even stand being in school anymore. I may have took a little longer than most people but I still got it, surprisingly on my first try. I would say the worst experience in high school was totaling my dads car right where the entire school could see. I was so embarrassed that I didn’t want to come to school the next day. Looking back on it now, I just kind of laugh about it.

I would say the best experience in high school was deciding to apply for LRTC. It has taught me more useful things for my future in 2 years than high school has in 4. It has taught me things like how to deal with customers, and estimate costs, or write out a repair order, all things needed to work in the mechanics industry. I would say I got some pretty decent goals set for the future.I am going to a trade school in the fall. I am going to become certified as a diesel mechanic and hopefully work in a diesel shop or be a field mechanic. What I have learned in LRTC will help me achieve those goals.

Scrambling around at the end of every semester, failing math two years in a row. I have had some good times and some bad times. From barely passing classes by the skin of my teeth, to fires with good friends. I could have taken many opportunities to make high school easier such as doing Boys State. That would have made my senior year much easier.  I did take many opportunities such as going on college tours whenever I could. Going on those tours helped me discover that I did not want to go to a traditional 4 year college. It also helped me decide what I wanted to do for a career. If I had to go back and do high school again I wouldn’t change a thing.

Even though there were a lot of bad times in high school, a lot of good stuff came out of it. I made some good friends, lost some bad friends too. But the real friends are the ones you do stupid stuff with and will always be there.

The experience of high school gave me was great I had a lot of fun doing it. It made me mature a lot and learn that life is not just a big joke it is serious. The skills it gave me on the other hand don’t amount to much. The only really useful skill I learned was how to completely B.S a 5 page paper about a book I didn’t read.

Overall for me high school was one of those eye-opening experiences that nobody wants to do. I hated every second of school, all the way from kindergarten until now. I always would think “I can’t wait to get out of school”. Now I look back and say “Well, that was fast”.

Photo by brownpau on / CC BY


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