TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

You Do Not Need To Be Perfect

  Throughout the past 18 years of my lifetime I’ve learned so much about myself and how much I’ve grown to learn to just accept myself for who I really am. At a young age I didn’t really  have to worry too much about life and how to try and make everything perfect to keep others happy. But I would have to say when I started middle school that’s when everything changed for me. I would always strive so hard to look and act a certain way to be like my role models or peers, but sooner or later I learned that it wasn’t the best idea for me to be doing for myself.

  I remember a time when I was around 13 or 14 which is when everyone would start copying each other on what they were wearing or what they had just so they could be cool and fit in. Like for example when the IPhone 5c came, almost every person in my school had one. I would always try to convince my mom into getting me one just so I could be like everyone else but after awhile I finally got the chance to get one. I loved having the IPhone 5c in all, but I started to realize that once I had it the trend of having the IPhone 5c would start to lose its trend because the new IPhone came out and everyone started to get the new IPhone out there so there was no point for me trying to be like everyone else because either way whatever new trend that is out there isn’t going to stay so popular for so long.

  Another time I remember myself trying to fit in was when I was around 15 or 16. I remember how every girl in my school was starting to shop at different clothing stores other than Aeropostale which was like the main place to shop at but then they started to shop at  American Eagle. Of course I would always try to follow the trend so I could fit in with others. But as I came to realize it isn’t worth following how other people dress or shop at, because I wasn’t being myself and that obviously didn’t make me happy since I was trying to fit in like other people at my school. But I came to realize that even though I still shop at that store I have found a way to find my own style on how I want to dress, and I always keep in mind that it isn’t worth trying to be perfect to be like everyone else.

  Overall throughout my life I learned that you do not need to be perfect to fit in like the rest of the world. But that you should be happy in your own skin and do what makes you feel happy. A favorite quote of mine that I always seem to carry with me is by one of my favorite artists Camila Cabello, the quote is that “It’s okay not to be perfect. Your imperfections are what make you YOU. And at the end of the day, people like real people, flaws and all. At least I do. (Camila Cabello).  


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