TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

5 things learned in high school


The 5 things that I have learned in high school have been pretty key while writing this, some of these things may not pertain to you, but just bare with me. 1.)  Not doing work at the last minute. I have spent countless hours of the night into the mornings doing work and trying to finish homework. Some nights getting no sleep and doing it all over again the next night. Or going to school on just 1 or 2 hours of sleep. Doing work at the last minute is the worst thing I have experienced and has not changed. Here I am doing this at the early morning of Wednesday while I don’t expect to get much sleep, it needs to be done. 2.) Playing sports in high school has been the best parts of high school. When i was a 5’1, 110 LB freshmen I was excited to be in high school and play sports. Football was great until I broke my collarbone and I was doing the stat sheet for the rest of the season, I still enjoyed being around the team and having a connection between different kids on the team. Basketball was always my favorite sport, the key word in that was the word was because now that high school has gone, it is no longer, and having my dad as the JV coach was also fun, we might have had our differences on the court but that doesn’t change the fact that basketball was one of the better sports I played. Baseball is my favorite sport and forever will be. My freshman year I made the varsity team while still playing JV I played and started in varsity games which helped me develop as a player and with my teammates. Now as a 5’6, 150 LB senior I have learned that playing sports has been the best times in school. Sports helped me keep my grades up and made the best memories that I will never forget. Football taught me that being bigger doesn’t mean you’re better, lifting weights and training hard can get you to where you want to be. Basketball taught me that a simple mistake can ruin a season quickly, and baseball taught me that with only 11 kids on a team you can still have the best season record for the team in 4 years. 3.) All your high school friends will NOT last forever. Some of you will be friends my friends forever, and others I will never talk to you again after we graduate. Not because we were never friends or talked, its just the way life goes. Most of you I have talked to once or twice and others I have spent countless days and nights talking to and that will not change. Most of you I can go to if I have a problem or just someone I need to vent to. Most of you will never be the same after high school, I know that I wont and that is okay. Change is good and sometimes change is for the better, doing something for years on end can get boring and old, sometimes you just need a fresh start. The high school “perfect” couple years from now may still be together, or they could be split up. Only time will tell what really goes on in the future. 4.) Lots of things change in high school. From freshman year until senior year was 4 years of our lives, of course things change. We all are not perfect, no one has never made a mistake in their lives. But it’s how you react to the mistake is how you are reflected on. I’ve made many mistakes, just this senior year. I’ve thrown away many friendships, i’ve gotten closer to old friends and new ones. I’ve had ups and downs just senior year. Freshman year I was a kid who listened to Elvis Presley and the Grateful Dead with my dad, and going to concerts with him. To a senior who listens to a kid by the name of Lil Pump who is younger than me and is making millions. My music genre has changed and the way I think and act has changed. Most of us when sophomore year or the summer before junior year got our licences and that was pretty scary and exciting at the same time. We were now legal to drive a vehicle around hundreds of other people while at the sametime this was a very dangerous situation. Being responsible for your own life, and a passengers if you had one, and even drivers who surround you daily. Finally 5.) putting in effort. I can come out and say it right now, I put 0-25% effort into high school. I hate high school, I hate the kids, I hate most teachers, I hate the drama. We spend 6 1/2 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 10 months with the same people, seeing the same faces in the halls, hearing different gossip everyday. It gets old, there are also the days were you catch up with someone after a long vacation, or you want to punch the same kid in the face for being annoying or other reasons. This doesn’t change the fact that putting effort into high school is needed. If teachers didn’t put effort in we would have no grades when we would like them, sports teams would be mediocre, and kids would just not want to be here. Let’s face it most of us would rather stay home all day binge watching a Netflix series, or playing Fortnite for hours on end just waiting for the words “#1 Victory Royale” come on the screen, or watch Jeffy on YouTube watching videos on videos rot your brain away. This doesn’t mean that putting in no effort is good for yourself or healthy for some students. There are some kids in class who pay attention who get the grades that everyone wishes for, or kids in class who shop for clothes or shoes, then there are the sleepers in the class who put their headphones in and snooze away. Putting in the slightest effort into things can be the difference between succeeding and failing. Congratulations to the Class of 2018! We made it.


Photo by San Francisco State University on / CC BY-NC-ND


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