TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Better safe than sorry.

One day, 2 of my brother’s best friends who show up just about every single day to my house but this time was different because they brought their dirtbikes to ride around on . The bikes were powerful bikes like I have never seen, heavily modified with 90cc and 120cc so they could go fast and do some damage if need be and they were owned by my brother and his friends where we would ride them at my house. I was amazed that my brother could drive such a thing I saw this dirtbike which was literally amazing, fast and powerful and anyone who had to ask about how to use this vehicle safely was just asking dumb questions But that all had changed when I drove it. This is because At the time The big one that my brother had owned and let me use didn’t have brakes to stop it from crashing so it could easily hurt someone by running them over. I had talked a big game to them about easily knowing how to drive a mid sized dirtbike no questions asked because at the time, I thought I knew everything but I didn’t know how to drive a dirtbike or any other motor vehicle at the time. I was still in awe of the bikes and obviously I was still very excited to use one of those bikes, so instead of asking how to use one I had asked if I could use the bike instead with no prior knowledge of how to ride one because I thought riding a bike was easy and that sounded like a dumb question. at the moment I couldn’t because I was near the garage, but then I brought it outside . But suddenly, everything had changed when I had figured out how to start the bike without asking my brother or anyone questions on how to drive it because that would be weak I wanted to ask how to use the bike but for some reason I didn’t because at this point that would be a “dumb” question at first the bike was pointed torwards my road but instead, I turned it torwards my house so nothing bad would happen Eventually, I figured it out and tripped the kickstart and lo and behold it turned on and my hand was on the throttle and pulled into my garage and literally crashed into one of my friends. Luckily though the bike turned off probably due to the inertia of my friend’s leg and I’m thankful that’s the worst thing that happened. 


Photo by Hagmans foto on / CC BY-NC-SA


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