TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Commencement Speech

For me, high school was a different experience. I was the type of kid when there was homework I would wait till the last moment possible, hand it in and pray that it was passing. But there are some things that I was actually really good at, like sports. Sports in high school kept me on top of my school work and helped me basically  make all of my friends today. Here is a list of things that I am going to miss and things I will not miss.

The first thing that I am going to miss about high school is sports. Sports are where I met my friends and constantly getting harassed with your mom jokes by Bryce and Darryn when I come off of the field. Or freshman year football when I had to carry one of the big water jugs and it would spill all over me before I got to the field. I’m going to miss losing all but one game sophomore year for lacrosse but still having the best time because we did not care. I’m going to miss going out to the best practice field everyday and Mr. Wright would act like a sasquatch when he was mad and throw practice bags around. I’m going to miss having to do ball hunts and Darryn would bring up random tires and other random stuff.

I’m going to miss walking into the school everyday and seeing what kind of smell it has to it that day, from rotting baby pigs to burning food in Crocker’s class. I’m going to miss the drastic temperature changes from going of the classrooms because heat costs money, and we don’t have much of that. Or, the random trash cans around the school because getting our roof fixed also costs money, again something that we do not have. As most schools would think water is a necessity, not Oak Hill we think of that as more of a luxury. My friends are what made high school fun for me and dragged me out of bed. Friends are what I will miss the most. I’m going to miss walking the halls and making fun of Bryce because it is easy to do.

There are alot of things that I will not miss like staying up till midnight writing pointless essays over a topic that I probably didn’t read or do. One thing that I am not going to miss is formatives that don’t mean anything other than that you know how to do it correctly. Or taking tests in math and praying to god that I pass because I don’t study. I’m not going to miss all of the necessary and specific rules we had to follow when we would do an assignment like putting quotes in a paper or all of the rules in math.

I will not miss all of the drama that was talked in the classrooms and in the halls. And all of the stuck up people demonetizing others because they are not exactly like them. I will not miss getting up at 6:30 every morning and have to pack my lunch because our school doesn’t know how to cook real food. I’m not going to miss having teachers that one day cranky and then nice. High School has also made me realize that I am not going to miss all of the YouTube videos I had to watch because I couldn’t pass time with anything else.

The past four years of high school have been a crazy ride, and I can’t believe that I did it. Although there were things that I will not miss about high school, there are some that I will miss. I know that whatever people do out of high school that we will be successful. High school is like a latter, you have to take one step at a time. Congratulations class of 2018, we made it.

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