TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Successful people always ask questions

        Sometimes you question things, you think back to yourself right after you ask the question saying to yourself, “Was that a stupid question?” “Did I just make a fool of my self?”. In all reality, there could have been someone that was wondering the same question that you were thinking. Nothing can be a stupid question all questions help people, even if its not just you. Questioning things could even help you in the future, you could be having a bad day and not have heard something that someone said, then you ask the question but yet they had just answered it for someone. There might be those people that tell you that you are dumb because you did not listen to what they just said, but guess what you are just trying to figure life out. That question could have been something that tells you, your own future, even someone else future.
When I was younger, I would always ask questions, even if I knew the answer, I would always question the things or even question my own self. If I had never questioned the things that I did when I was younger, guess what I would not be where I am today in High school about to Graduate. As I got older I would be so scared to ask because people would make fun of me for asking something “stupid” if I had never asked the “stupid” questions I wouldn’t know things… Asking my mom or teachers, the same question a couple of times would almost make me feel so bad about myself, and I would never want to ask anything ever again, but I learned that you have to be able to question everything that you do or what someone else does, to help or to be successful.
High school has been one of the hardest 4 years in my whole life, but I could not have made it through to graduation without the “Stupid” questions that I would always ask.
The moral of the story is, that always ask your questions, question everything, make sure you are accurate. Make sure that you know that you are not asking something stupid, you are asking something that might help you so much in the future. Nothing is a stupid question, do not second guess yourself, either go with your gut or always ask at least one question, if you think that it is going to help you.
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1 Comment

  • mgreenleaf20
    May 23, 2020 at 1:17 pm 

    I would have to challenge the statement about making sure you are accurate when asking a question, because I feel as though even if you are not accurate when asking a question that’s okay because question clarify confusion.

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