TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Heart Attacks Saves Lives

Coming into my Junior year, almost a year ago the most life changing thing had happened to me. Not having any idea or not knowing what to do the news was thrown at me. My dad before I went to work, had let me know that he was going to the hospital. While I was working my mom had come in. When I saw my mom and my bosses walking towards me I felt my heart racing and tears came streaming down my face. My dad was the strongest person I knew and looked up to. My mom insisted he was fine, but all I kept telling myself is, I hope he is alive when I see him. Driving to the hospital I drove fast. I was only a few minutes away, but I drove like every second that I was not with him counted. Thinking I was going to get pulled over I just kept going. Seeing him for the first second broke my heart. When he grabbed my hand looking at me in the eyes crying, telling me how much he loved me and how much I meant to him this is when it all began.
Being in the hospital for weeks, made me realize that I wanted to help people. This year I was already enrolled in a CNA course through Lewiston Technical Center. Knowing that this has previously happened to my grandfather, this has helped me pick what I wanted to be. Going through touch times help most people pick what they want to be in their life. Most of the population that works in the medical field has gone through a part of their life that has led them in this direction. Losing family is most of the time, or almost dying themselves are main reasons. Going through rough times has led me in a way most people cannot relate to for my career in my life helping others.
As well as being feared. I was sad, this has happened to me before. I lost my best friend and my grandfather while I was in the third grade. Losing someone you love is the impenetrable thing you could go through. I never realized how lucky I was to have someone who cared and loved me so much until he was gone. It is sad that we only realize how much we love and need someone until they are gone and no way of getting them back. To this day I still sit here and ask myself what I could’ve done with him before it was too late. Having a heart-break while being young is the worst thing. Losing my dad would be even worse. This is what I feared during this time.
Today, my dad is living his life to the fullest. He is doing things he would have never done before being having that experience makes you realize what life is worth. We eat healthy, we exercise and most of all we spend the most time together we can get. He rides dirt bikes, snowmobiles and everyday puts a smile on my face. I am more thankful to have him in my life more than anything. I love him with everything I have.
As I write this with tears streaming down my face, it makes me that not loving and caring about your family as much as you can while you have them is a mistake every teenager makes. He has changed and impacted my life in a good way and makes me thankful for everything I have and most of all for him. He is my hero and before this time, I used it as an advantage to get whatever I wanted. Now I learned to be thankful and experience the most you can during the wonderful life he has given me.

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1 Comment

  • hgunn19
    January 20, 2019 at 6:37 pm 

    I love how you address the prompt without directly stating ¨This is how I helped others and this is how they helped me¨. Your piece addresses many different aspects of how you are helped and how others helped you, especially with the lesson you put in the end. The way you wrote helps people to connect to the story with their own circumstances as well as understanding yours better.
    I´m glad your dad is alright. My grandmother had a heart attack earlier this year and it helped to solidify my career path as well.

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