TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Mistakes are Made When Riding a Bike

When I was about 5 years old my sister got this new bike for her birthday. It was the coolest looking bike I ever seen because it did not have any training wheels on it at all. I watched my sister ride round on her bike and thought it was the most breathtaking thing that she could ride without training wheels on the bike. Seeing her riding the bike back and forth gave me the idea of riding the bike. So I went and asked my mom if I could try riding the bike. My mom said no because it was to dangerous for me. Though my mom said no I still tried to my sister bike.
In the middle of the day I got my first chance to ride the bike. I went has fast has I could get to the bike.As I stand up the bike I started to have second thoughts because the bike was so heavy to lift up. It did not help me register how I suppose to ride the bike. Trying to sit on the bike without falling was a struggle. It was like trying to balance on a tightrope. Then I got the bike to balance and my sister saw me. She told me that if I did not get off the bike she was going to get mom. Of course I did not listen to her and she ran off to tell our mom. At that time I knew I only had about 10 seconds before my mom came and got me. So I tried to ride the bike, but I could not keep the bike balanced. As I finally got balance on the bike my mom came over just before I could get going. After that my mom put me in time out and made me think what I was doing.
After I got out of time out I went back outside to play. When I saw that my sister just left her bike by the staircase alone I went straight for it.I knew that my family wouldn’t find me on the bike because they were inside cleaning. So this was a flawless time to ride the bike. As I got on the bike I struggle to balance on the bike again. Has soon I get the bike balance I start ride the bike. When I started riding I realized that I shouldn’t have started on the hill. I was moving quickly down the hill. I had no clue how to stop. I kept on go down the hill. It felt like I was on a roller coaster that was never-ending. I was losing balance from going down the hill and then I stopped. How I stopped was by falling to the ground and break my arm.
Riding my sister bike taught to learn what I was doing before I try something new. Now that I am older I know what to do and if I can do it without getting hurt. Also I am better at listening to my mom because I know that she is right.
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