TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

A Slap in the Face

               The other night I was infuriated. Everything and everyone around me was bothering me. Any little noise, whether it being someone chewing food or having a conversation or anyone trying to tell me something that they think I did not already know the answer to. I sat on the floor with a red face still trying to make my point. Not to mention it is that time of the month and I am not a pleasant person during that week, heck not even the week before that I am not pleasant.
              I was at my boyfriend’s house talking to his mom and him about college and my career path that I plan to take. Let me tell you some of the words I used or phrases I said were like a slap in the face. I tend to say things without thinking how they will affect someone else’s feelings. So, that being said I told his mom (who is a Registered Nurse) that “I don’t want to be a regular nurse”. From that moment on it went silent for a few seconds.
              I want to be a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner. I have been planning on being a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner since my junior year. In order for that to happen, I need to become an RN and work in that field bouncing from floor to floor. I expected that a little bit, but for how many years that will have to go on? Who knows because the position I want “there is a small chance of me getting a position?” It has been the job I have wanted and the average amount of money that they can make is roughly $100,000 a year. I tried to tell her that “I can make up to $118,000” and let me tell you, she came back and said, “You can’t make that much money in Maine”. That was before she knew how many years of college I wanted to take.
             I have always planned to go to college for four years so I can earn a Bachelor’s degree. On top of that I will need specialty classes such as resuscitation classes. That did not stop the argument though. It continued with “Why do you want to take four years of college when all you need is two” and “Why do you to go for so long?”. Well, let me inform you on why. My LRTC teacher told me that day that if I go to school and get a better education than I could make more money and be picked for the position over someone else that has less of an education than me. Whether that be true or not I have no idea because I have not done that much research. To be honest, it would be nice to make that amount of money or relatively close to it. The argument still was just as bad at that point and I gave up on trying to explain myself because I knew I could not win.
           From that moment on I learned that words can hurt. Also, that thinking before saying things while being in a grouchy mood is important. Yes, my thoughts about becoming a nurse had changed. Why try so hard to become a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner if I may never get that exact job? It was not worth it to ruin a relationship with my boyfriend’s mom over something that I will figure out later on in life.
Photo by Rosmarie Voegtli on / CC BY


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  • spessant19
    January 15, 2019 at 8:14 pm 

    Yeah, I have also realized that words do hurt people. You might not have intended to say something then you feel really bad after you say it. I also have some days that I am really mad and if you talk to me then you might not like what I have to say. Everyone has these days, not just you. It’s a good thing that you gave up to not ruin the relationship between you and your boyfriends mom. Sometimes that’s the better thing to do.

  • sherbert19
    January 20, 2019 at 9:50 pm 

    I agree with you, going to college is a very hard decision to make. At the age of 17-18, we are putting our whole life in our hands. This has also been a stressful time. Going to a career there could be so many parts of the jobs, such as the medical field. Well, what part of it? Being in debt forever, how many years to do. This is something that takes more than two months to think about and decided. Coming from someone else it makes me feel better I am not in this boat alone. Relating to this, hope you follow your own heart and the best outcome happens for you.

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