TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Quick Decisions Have Big Consequences

There are many dangers in our world, some that are overlooked and others that are focused on heavily. One of the many dangers of the world that is often overlooked due to the excitement of it, especially as kids, is snowmobiling.

When I was very young my dad liked to do anything that would pump adrenaline through his system. One of these things was riding snowmobiles. Very fast. As you can already imagine this story doesn’t have a great ending. He had been riding snowmobiles for so long and so he never realized that his reckless behavior could end up causing him so much pain and regret.

When my dad’s friends called and asked if he wanted to go riding he responded with the typical, “Yeah, of course!”. He started to get ready and soon left the house with his friend. They rode around for a little while and then decided to have more fun. They were now speeding up and going over jumps. My dad and his friend were having a great time up until it happened. My dad decided he wanted to get some huge air, this was a bad idea. He came flying up to the jump at a ridiculous speed, he hit the jump and was sent soaring in the air. When he landed his snowmobile track caught the ground the wrong way and he flipped. He came off of his snowmobile at a crazy speed and then hit his head. When this happened his friend was very worried that the worst may have happened.

After helping my dad and bringing him to the hospital, he was relieved to finally know that he was going to be okay after such a crazy and tragic experience. Although the accident didn’t kill him it did cause some major injuries and lifelong symptoms. After the accident he had to have something put into his head in order to help retain the shape of his skull. This accident  had caused him to forget things very easily and not be able to live on his own nearly as well as he could have before the accident. This caused him a lot of regret because he couldn’t take care of me or himself after this accident.

There are so many different things in this world that can cause damage and lifelong regrets in your life. One of the lessons that my dad learned from this accident was the fact that you need to think before you do things. He also learned that life doesn’t revolve around those rushes of adrenaline that he would get from riding at ridiculous speeds and not wearing a helmet. Overall one of the biggest takeaways from this experience is to always think before you do something because you never know how it could affect you or someone else.

Photo by VisitLakeland on / CC BY-ND


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  • zouellette19
    January 18, 2019 at 10:36 am 

    This is a sad story to read and listen to. It sounds like a hard time to go through and live with. It is good to understand that just because something seems fun, doesn’t mean you should go all at it.

  • lbailey19
    January 19, 2019 at 12:39 am 

    Ive always liked the idea of just going out on a snowmobile and having fun, but something about it worries me. I know the chances of me getting hurt are slim when riding properly but things like this can still happen. I’m sorry for what happened to your father and I hopes he is still okay. Though just because I’m afraid though doesn’t mean I won’t do dumb things like hit a jump really fast.

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