TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


            Mistakes are enormous in everybody’s life. There are many interesting events that I could write about, but when I think back at it I’d rather write about a mistake that someone else has made, that affected my life. I’ve had many friendships that start out perfectly well, but there can be a bit of jealousy. This always created assumptions and I feel that assumptions are often the face of failed friendships.

A past friend that I had made a couple assumptions because of actions that I had made. It sort of upset me because she didn’t even give me the chance to even speak about what I thought. She started off by messaging me, “you’re so fake”. Now at this point I was thinking, what is she talking about? I tried to message her asking what she was talking about and she ignored me. It seemed as though she had already made up her mind. I thought back towards it and realized that she wasn’t overreacting because I have always had problems with her my whole high school experience. I needed to be able to take responsibility for the actions that I may have done to interrupt her friendship and how I want to be the rest of my life. She continued to want to drag this out and that’s when I decided that I no longer wanted to be part of any drama.

             As a friend, I messaged her and told her to realize that I want to live my life. I get it, at that point in my life I hadn’t been thinking about what she had done to me in the past because I was thinking of my future. The problems that I had with this girl wasn’t something I want to be hung up on because I most likely won’t see her after we graduate. This let me move on and start new friendships from different people, and if she wanted to be in my life again and prove that she can change for the sake of our friendship and so far it has been working. I have been working on myself, doing things for me instead of others, because me focusing on other has only hurt me in the long run. I shouldn’t let it affect me now right?
             Many people would say that this is stupid but it really changed how I look at friendships. It sticks with me a lot longer from just being in the one incident. I have changed a lot since my freshman year, and many people would say I didn’t but that just because no one gives each other chances to recap how they know each other. For example, my quote in the year book is officially now, “Nope, don’t care!”, and everyone thinks it’s very fitting. It makes a big difference from four years, especially when you are growing up. Everyone who has been my life for the last four years would understand how dramatically I have changed.
            A long time ago, I had realized that it helped me not only realize when a friend is doing wrong but it helps me for my future friendships. It gave me incentive to become a different person and try to stay away from people that do cause drama, but I do know that most of my friends are into that. I stay away from them when they do because I’m not that kind of person. So when it comes to assuming I will continue to look back at my past and realize that I have changed and they will often be the face of a friendships failures.
Photo by jwinfred on / CC BY-NC-ND


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1 Comment

  • aredmun19
    January 18, 2019 at 11:45 am 

    Choosing to not be a part of drama is always a good choice! Focus on yourself and stay away from the drama! Life is much more fun when you aren’t involved in all the drama!

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