TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


I was about 12 years old, and I used to live in a campground and my friends name is Liam. Our favorite things to do was biking.One of my worst mistakes was riding my bike while it was raining. It was a cloudy and rainy day, and I was in a campground as a seasonal during that summer. I was at my friends, camper and we were bored, sitting around in the camper so we decided to go outside and ride our bikes in the rain.

We were biking for a few minutes and decided to have a race so we started, and I was pretty far behind because I didn’t have the best bike so I decided to use a short cut across a small field and the grass was soaked and slippery. Once I hit the field I could tell it was a bad idea. So I slammed on the brakes to stop but it didn’t work, then I slid on my side and the spikes that hold on the chain sliced open my knee, and there was blood everywhere down my leg. So my friend ran to my camper, to get my mom. My mom got in her car and drove over to pick me up and drive me to the hospital, which was about 30 min away. It was a very painful ride. When we got there we had to wait about 30 min in the waiting room and it was very painful. I ended up getting 7 stitches in my knee, which hurt a lot.

The rest of the week after the stitches I couldn’t do anything my friend were doing, like swimming, running around and biking. I had to sit out and watch them have fun. That summer was pretty boring because of one simple mistake. It only takes one little mistake to ruin a summer. It was definitely not worth the risk. If it is raining out and you want to get exercise I do not recommend going out on a bike. If you do choose to go outside when it rains, use caution and be careful. After that day, it made me think about my choices and the effects they will have later.


Photo by kaktuslampan on / CC BY-SA


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  • jcollins19
    January 15, 2019 at 1:45 pm 

    I’m sorry that this happened to you. I like the message behind this story. It makes me think of the time I fell and scraped up my whole leg while roller blading down a hill. It was all tar and it definitely made me more cautious of my decision making, good story.

  • zouellette19
    January 18, 2019 at 10:31 am 

    That’s sounds like a painful situation to be in. There are many mistakes to learn from in this story that would be helpful to know for the future.

  • houellette20
    January 19, 2019 at 7:00 pm 

    Wow, that sounds like a painful and stressful injury! Thank you for the advice about what not to do when it’s raining! It’s a good thing that you have learned from your mistake, but it must have been really disappointing that you had to miss out on the rest of your summer!

  • tmoore19
    January 24, 2019 at 12:02 pm 

    At that age, it can be a really tough situation. I always spent time at my camp doing the same thing– riding my bike. Accidents happen! And I wiped out a few times too, forcing me to be left out of fun things, just like you. It was also very nice of you to add the warning for everyone not to ride their bikes in the rain! Great story.

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