TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Not All Your Friends Stay With You

A couple years ago, I had a close best friend.  I had to tell her that there is too much drama happening and that I need sometime alone. Most of the time, I didn’t want to tell her because we have been close to each other for years. I kept it to myself for a couple months and it was nice having her as my best friend. I thought maybe if I have time alone, then I can think of everything. I never wanted to end the friendship, but it was better than having drama. Most of it was because she wanted to try being friends with me, but she thought I was smiling while being around her. I wasn’t, I told her I needed time and I tried to be alone and think about everything. It was hard, but I thought and now since I told her. We haven’t talked and it’s weird to think we were so close and now we aren’t.

One day, I walked around school trying to get to all my classes. I saw her and I walked over to her, “Hey, can we talk?” I asked her, she smiled. Since we usually talk in the morning, we walked to the locker room. Since it was the most private place in the school and we started to talk. I told her everything, I had to since I’m not used to keeping anything from her. “I need some time to think everything over again, I know we have a great friendship. I need some time.” I said to her. She started to say something, “I understand, I know that there has been a lot of things that have been happening. I will give you time, but if you need someone. I’m always here for you.” She said to me, but I just smiled and then walked out and went over to my friends. I didn’t know what to do after everything.

I was always around my other friends, they helped me smile and be happy. I was thinking about anything that happened. They helped me with everything, but once she walked over to me again. It was after someone told me she talked about me behind my back. It was horrible, since one of my other friends were close to her someday and told me everything. I felt like I got stabbed in the back, I didn’t even want to talk to her. “Are you sure she was saying all of that?” I asked Ashley, she nodded her head. I knew she wasn’t lying to me. I kept close to Ashley and I tried to stay happy. It was hard at first.

After everything, it’s kind of like never thinking you’re going to have the same friends when you get to high school. Yes, I have most of the friends I made in middle school, but I don’t have all the same friends. Maybe it’s good, since you know you’re going to lose friends and that you won’t have as much drama as you want. Sometimes it’s better to have less drama, cause you can sit back and not be in the middle of the drama. Some friends stay with you and some you think will be there with you, but they won’t be. I learned that and I make sure not to make that mistake ever again.



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1 Comment

  • ahilliard19
    January 18, 2019 at 9:18 am 

    Shenderson, we shall always be here for you! Through thick and thin other friends will always be there for you. I will be happy to supply the laughs and smiles, especially in anatomy with another friend. We are here for you to always rely on when something like this happens because we are here to support you.

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